We know that there is no low that they won’t go, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get downright sickening at times. This is one of those times. Michael Flynn was speaking on a right-wing broadcast and he compared Dr. Fauci to a Nazi monster who did experiments on Jewish concentration camp prisoners. This is not who America is, to vilify a public servant like Anthony Fauci in this manner. Or is it? Is this who we have become?

This isn’t about partisanship, this is simple human decency. Dr. Fauci has had to hire security details to protect himself and his family members. The right has made it clear in recent weeks that they are targeting Fauci and we get that. We also get that this kind of thing is not subject to Marquess de Queensbury rules of engagement. But is there no limit?

Mike Flynn plummeted down about ten more stories today. He didn’t have a lot of credibility left to begin with, but this comment has shown who he really is. The man is a total disgrace. Trump may have pardoned him and gotten him off the hook for paying for his legal infractions, but this is something much more than that. It’s not a question of getting away with having broken the law in this case, he’s showing how he lacks all judgement, discretion and humanity.

The pandemic should never have ended up as a talking point on right-wing media. But it did. Wearing masks should never have become a tribal badge, but it did. And now a scapegoat is needed by the right-wing and they’ve chosen Fauci. Flynn may be articulating the most negative and absurd comments, but Rand Paul and Jim Jordan and the rest of them are just as guilty.

What happened to the GOP and to conservatism that it should come to this?




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  1. This is the ending of Flynn’s freedom to blatantly attack Dr. Fauci, he has slipped so low he now is endangering the Fauci family even more … the demonstration of total abandonment of law and order, and ANY common sense at all, at the Capitol building has shown the level of intelligence embedded in the Trump mob — NONE …

    No one should have acted that way … EVER, now Flynn, and all the other worthless GOP worms are foaming at the mouth, no where to go, no plans, no for-the-people-values, I wonder where the money is going and where it is coming from … the big money people are apparently like the pillow guy, a big checking account and no real intelligence …

    This blathering stupidity from those GOP mouthpieces is a clear and present danger to our country …

  2. Irony keeps getting reamed. His Smugness knew about the virus & was recorded saying it was deadly, etc., & admitted to Bob Woodward he was hiding it from the public. Did nothing but lie, mislead, turn it into racial hatred, &, most of all, did not use the power of the federal government to stop it’s spread or put vaccines into arms. See: President Biden, Jan.20-present. Trump’s DEATH TOLL: 600,000+. That’s a minimum, as he didn’t want testing done. There is no way to know how many people were killed by covid. Mr. Flynn. Being narcissistic, & a soulless coward is no way to represent the military. You were a 3star general. When June 6, 1944 happened, where we lost 10,000 men, I guess they would have found you standing on the beach, gun in hand, as you are now, fighting for facism.

  3. Please stop referring to freaks like Flynn and Barr as \”mike” and “Bill.” Using their short names implies a familiarity that is unnecessarily intimare with people we all should shun as a clear and present danger to our nation., When we must talk of them, it’s better to give less familiar reference to separate ourselves from them My big question is why nothing is being done about them. Investigations are one thing, but investigation implies gathering infirmation that, in their cases, is already quite apparent and surely suffieicne to at least get Flynn court-martialed and left in jail without his military benefits. In a bette world, people like him and Barr, and the list goes on, would be condemed and hanged publically, if for no other reason, th demonstrate to the mib that actions have conequences that should be swift and merciless.

  4. When is the military going to act on taking this little sh*t out? It isn’t as if this little sh*t doesn’t know any better-as a high-ranking member of our military he knows good and damned well what he’s doing is not only beyond pale, some of it is outright illegal.

    • They don’t want to – he retired far enough back that they shouldn’t have to. (Also, it’s something that the courts are looking at, in a different matter.)

  5. This is where Flynn needs to be taken off every platform, because he’s advocating violence. He also needs to be sued for slander/libel, because he should know what he’s saying is lies.

    • I have to wonder what’s the gain in any way for the GOP …. attacking the most important man in our fight against ALL pandemics, not just the Trump Covid, where is this NOT going to throw a bigger anchor, tied to the GOP as they have to sink or swim through the rest of this year, the McConnell fiasco does not work anymore the snakes in our House are still smoking something because only shit comes out of their mouths …

      All signs point to people like our buddy Schiff in our house, just about every court, DA, Mayor, governor, SD and even the garbage collectors in New York want a piece of Trump’s hide, and are tired of the gasbags pushing DJT along on his imaginary return to the WH …

      Shit for brains Flynn saying crap about Fauci, what and why is THAT. where does that fit into the GOP plan for future elections? The more stink these A**-holes spread around the closer the GOP comes to complete implosion …

      Of course, that could not happen to a more deserving, screwed up bunch of idiots …

  6. Why is this shmuck still walking around? He’s one of the worst criminals in American history, and he may be just getting started.

  7. Flynn is the problem? Really.
    Who visited wuhan in 2015?
    Who donated for “gain of function”? Who lied about mask? Who banned therapeutics? HCQ and vit D? Who was wrong about the numbers? Who has patents on VIRUSES? Who does that. Who has stock in every vaccine? Moderna? Phizer? Who was proven wrong about lockdowns by red state Governors? Whose emails just verified all the above? Who told MSM what to say and not say? Who told FB who to ban?
    Who called for lockdowns? Whose caused millions to lose their livelihood? Whose favored China over US? Who continues to fear monger American citizens?
    And you people think Trump and Flynn are the mental cases.
    Your right he is a depraved mental case that has lost it. You just named the wrong guy. Agree, disagree, like it or not. History will write Fauci has committing the Crime of the Century.

    • So many bullshit accusations posed as questions in a single post. The CDC once had a long standing relationship with the lab in Wuhan as it was one of many around the world that did important research so we had our own people embedded there to provide real-time information on what they were doing and learning. And early on the Trump administration shut down that cooperative venture. Had they not done so we’d have had crucial information on the outbreak in that city far sooner than turned out to be the case. So think about that as you gulp down your ugly orange colored Kook Aid.


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