Michael Avenatti Declares He’s Serious About A Presidential Run, But He’s In The Doghouse With Democrats After Kavanaugh


Michael Avenatti’s declaration a few months ago that he was running for president as a Democrat, was seen at the time as an epic Trump troll, and applauded by many for same. Now Avenatti is saying that he’s running for real and that puts matters in a different light altogether. Daily Beast:

“This idea that this is a superficial thing is ludicrous,” Avenatti said. “It is so ridiculous. I don’t need to engage in a superficial exploration of a potential run. Why would I need to do that? I don’t need any more notoriety. Why would I be wanting to take my time and energy traveling the country to raise money for Democrats if this was superficial?”

Avenatti stressed that his expenditures and exploratory travel would only ramp up in the weeks and months ahead, with stops planned for Texas, California, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, along with longer-term plans to visit Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada.

Avenatti is a divisive figure among Democrats. Some appreciate his stature as the anti-Trump, his ability to give back to Trump what Trump dishes out. On the other hand, quite a number of Democrats were dismayed at how he handled his client Julie Swetnick coming forward during the recent confirmation hearings on Brett Kavanaugh, with new allegations, arguing that he had simply given ammunition to the Republicans to accuse Democrats of a political hit job.

“Mr. Avenatti has a tendency to sensationalize and make his various crusades more about himself than about getting at the truth,” said a senior Senate Democratic aide. “This moment calls for the exact opposite.”

On a practical level, Avenatti’s PAC has raised only a ludicrously small amount of money, nowhere near enough for any kind of serious political run, and moreover, it too is a subject of controversy.

Though Fight PAC had raised a relatively small $11,907.98 so far, Avenatti said that fundraising was “coming along pretty well.” He had not hired anyone permanently for his committee. But, he added, “I’m consulting with a number of people.” […]

Even his PAC, in its early stages, has been the subject of some backlash as Avenatti recently tweeted a fundraising appeal for Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s (D-TX) Senate campaign that, in fact, directed half the contributed money to Fight PAC.

Avenatti has accused Democrats of being “too weak” and “clueless,” as he’s traveled to Iowa and New Hampshire and talked to Democrats there. He believes that he knows what is a winning approach, and what the people want.

One thing is for certain: just like Trump, Avenatti represents a unique style, a departure from what we’ve come to expect from politicians. Also like Trump, he lacks governing experience, although as a top tier lawyer, he at least understands law and government in far greater depth than the faux business mogul in the White House.

Avenatti will undoubtedly do good in the next few weeks for the Democrats, especially when he holds his Resistance Rally in Texas at the same time that Trump holds his rally for Ted Cruz, October 22 in Houston. How Avenatti’s presence on the political scene will affect the Democrats in the long run only time will tell.

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  1. I am not in the camp of expecting perfection from people. He tried, and is trying to help his clients and the American people. This is what I feel is important. People would complain no matter what he tried to do. I get so sick of people saying they are tired of Avenatti. I am not tired of someone who is trying to fight Trump and republicans. What I am tired of is sociopathic trump/republicans. They are the enemy, not Avenatti.

    • I agree. I like Avenatti and I respect what he’s done with reuniting kids with their families at the border, and exposing both Trump and Kavanaugh. However, he is scaring a lot of people in the Democratic party at this point in time. There’s a certain amount of resentment and I honestly have no idea how it’s all going to shake down.

      What I would like to see happen is Avenatti run for office in California. I don’t know where he lives. but there is certainly an office he would be suited for. If he learns the ropes and pays his dues, a lot could be possible in his future.

      • Yes, I think starting at a smaller level is a good idea. I haven’t really been too worried about his presidential aspirations. You know, instead of sounding displeased with him, they could be welcoming. I know I don’t know a lot about the intricacies of politics, I just wonder what would happen if they didn’t act so negative about it and try and spin it as a positive. I don’t know how much he will matter in the long run anyway. I can’t imagine millions of people voting for him.

  2. What Democrats? You mean weak spineless compromised Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Warner, Blumenthal, et. al.? If Michael Avenatti runs for president many dedicated voting progressive Democrats like myself, will give him a chance. Bloomberg= same billionaire madness as trump, he’s just quieter and more sneaky. Kamala Harris & Corey Booker= not ready; big talk, vey little real action. Bernie= we will see. Elizabeth Warren= She would get my vote.

    • What about Uncle Joe? Biden is my man. I think he’s the best choice because after Trump the nation is going to heal. He’s a known quantity and people in the rust belt like him.

      • I like Joe. I do not like how he handled the Anita Hill hearing. I think he has apologized for this, though. I have been so caught up in the everyday drain on my senses that i haven’t really thought about who will or should run for President. Joe would be 100% better than the current hideous travesty of a p*esident we have now.

        • A German Shepard dog would be better than the current occupant. But I think Joe Biden would be a good choice to help everybody heal. Democrats like him, obviously, and he’s not going to be viewed as a threat like some of the other front runners. I think he’s our best choice.

          • We certainly need some healing. He has such a great demeanor. He seems very caring and compassionate. It really does shine out from him.


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