The texts which drumpf’s former Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows turned over to the J6 Committee and were obtained by Talking Points Memo demonstrate the evolution of a right wing lie, from it’s genesis in the worm-filled brain of Faux News host Laura Ingraham to its reiteration and repetition by Donald Trump Jr., Louie Gohmert and Marge Greene.

Ingraham started the lie rolling, texting this to Meadows shortly after riots commenced, at first ruefully commenting on how the actions would adversely affect drumpf’s legacy before suggesting how they might lie to deflect blame…

Her first text reads:

“He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South,”

But having a moment to scheme, on her program that night:

Ingraham promoted the idea that “antifa” was behind the Jan. 6 attack hours after it took place, telling her audience that the insurgents “were likely not all Trump supporters, and there are some reports that antifa sympathizers may have been sprinkled throughout the crowd.”

Don Jr. weighed in by text:

“As the crowds raged through the Capitol, Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, wrote Meadows to say his father was not doing “enough” to “condemn this shit.” He followed that denouncement up with a suggestion the violence wasn’t coming from the Trump faithful.”

“I’m not convinced these are trump supporters either btw so we should be looking into that,” Don Jr. wrote.

As did Former drumpf wingman Jason Miller:

Marge Greene:

And the ever conspiratorial Louie Gohmert:

It is fascinating to see this lie evolve in real time and as TPM and former Republican Denver Riggleman point out:

“But you also see that they started to morph away from that conspiracy theory when it wasn’t working,” Riggleman said of the “antifa” narrative. “With conspiracy theories, inconsistency is a feature, not a bug. They want to hit people in the amygdala; all this is a quick fix to hit the emotional note that you need for people to react to.”

People died but it was all just a matter of public relations to them. I

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  1. The meaning of ANTIFA is a person or group actively opposing fascism. Amazing that they, Ingraham, Meadows, etc. could even come up with a name like ANTIFA, thus defining themselves. Not only that, either, but spreading this belief that ANTIFA exist in a volume.

  2. There is no such prganization as ANtIFA, just a philosophy anti fasccism. Wht in helk would any anti-fascist pleased with the election take a chance in getting caught up in thle net of violence just to make things look worse. That doesn’t go along with the far higher intellectual capacity of the left, who actually excercise their brains on a regular basis.

  3. I remember that a day or so after J-6 I heard a commentator say that an official had told him that they had contacted people they knew were “antifa” and convinced them to not show up on the 6th. I believe they said the official was FBI, but I couldn’t swear to that. I only remember hearing it once or twice. I’ve tried to search for this, but it was not in writing, it was a reporter commenting on air and I haven’t been able to find any reference to this.

    I live in Portland and know that anytime the Proud Bois were demonstrating there were antifa people present. The fact that they didn’t show up on the 6th is remarkable. I can’t believe that reporters have not commented on this.

    Does anyone else remember hearing this, or am I nuts?


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