It is no secret that McConnell and Trump hate each other with distilled mamba venom, certainly more so than that put upon anyone from the Democratic party (With the possible exception of the special hatred Trump has for Obama, the type that eats at Trump’s soul, seeing a black guy who has everything Trump wants). Trump’s addled mind believes that if Mitch McConnell was just tougher – meaning he would join in and overthrow the government – Trump would still be president. McConnell’s sharp mind knows that he would likely be “Majority Leader McConnell” again were it not for Trump dumping Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker into a Senate race. Have no doubt, as much as Trump wants the presidency back because it was so cool, McConnell wants that majority thing back far more because it’s so cool. McConnell can personally rule the entire Article I branch and just wreck the place, stealing SCOTUS seats or something just as devious, like getting rid of the filibuster rule the next time they have majorities in each branch and a GOP

So it is no surprise that, while Kevin McCarthy, pathetically desperate for power and still kneeling a the alter of the 78-year-old man who loves ketchup on everything, including the walls, would be very much opposed to the criminal referral and vow to expose the criminals on the committee and their witnesses.

Mitch? Eh. That Trump has been referred to DOJ for four felonies merits two sentences and isn’t something worth McConnell’s time:

“The entire nation knows who is responsible for that day. Beyond that, I don’t have any immediate observations.

Riffing off a famous line from “Fletch,” So, Mitch, what you’re really trying to say is that the entire nation knows who is responsible for that day, and there’s no need to say anything else?

Fine. Expected, even.

Mitch most certainly means every word of his statement, but it conveys just a bit more than the two sentences. Most importantly, McConnell is saying, “Don’t come to me begging for help until you have something to offer, which I hope is never.” The other thing is that McConnell is surely saying that there are still bits and pieces of evidence about something that haven’t made their way out yet but certainly could if McConnell ever feels like it. No more “immediate” observations…

Obviously, McConnell was warm all over about the referral, getting the chance to fling a spear and have it hit South Florida through a particular Spanish-themed club window.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: Zelensky, Person of the Year



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    • Let’s not forget mitch let Trump walk on two impeachments which allowed him to set his mob loose on Jan 6. He has blood on his hands. As Michael said in the Godfather, “don’t tell me you’re innocent. It insults my intelligence and makes me angry”.


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