We are blessed that Liz Cheney has a moral compass and a sense of humor. Both are on display in her new memoir, Oath and Honor. Those are only words in the dictionary to most Republicans, sadly, and to all of the right-wing MAGAs who occupy the House of Representatives. A few seem to be getting a late stage conscience. Chip Roy was rather entertaining last week when he truthfully asked “Name me one thing this Republican caucus has accomplished,” and the response was…crickets. Mediaite:

“Cheney writes that mcCarthy told her that he had just spoken to trump and that mccarthy says, quote, ‘he knows it’s over. he just needs to go through all the stages of grief,” gangel said.

“Cheney then writes, it’s her wry sense of humor, that the stages of grief also apparently included tweeting in all cap letters. but jake, there’s also another sort of stunning anecdote about kevin mccarthy. we all remember the photograph when just three weeks after january 6th. there it is. kevin mccarthy goes running down to mar-a-lago. he’s afraid he can’t raise money.”

None of this is surprising. McCarthy has always been a bootlicker, catering to Trump’s every whim. The man runs after the former president like a lost puppy. And frequently with a jar of candy in hand.

Trump loves Starbursts — but only the red and pink ones, so McCarthy dug through the bag and only gave those to Trump. Citizens of McCarthy’s congressional district, this is what you pay $174,000 a year for, just saying. And so the story goes on about how Trump was finished but then he wasn’t finished.

“I’m sory to interrupt, but this is a lifeline. Everyone thought that the republican party was going to rid itself of Donald Trump. everybody had spoken negatively about him. but then mccarthy does this and it basically, you know, he’s like phoenix from the ashes. donald trump is renewed.”

“Correct. And nobody knows this trip is happening. and cheney writes, actually, when she saw that photo, she thought it was a fake,” gangel responded.

Then he read from Cheney’s book.

Cheney: “Mar-a-Lago? What the hell, Kevin?”

McCarthy: They’re really worried. Trump’s not eating, so they asked me to come see him.

Cheney: “What? You went to Mar-a-Lago because Trump’s not eating?”

McCarthy: “Yeah. He’s really depressed.”

Cheney was obviously incredulous over this. McCarthy was willing to lower himself this much to mollify Trump.


But Gangel reveals even more about the new book.

“She also reveals that, look, she was not the only one she talks about,” he said. “other Republicans were, quote, angry and disgusted that mccarthy had gone running back to trump. and there’s a text that’s going around and she writes that her republican colleagues, quote, some mocked him, circulating that trump mccarthy photo along with get ready, the clip from the movie ‘jerry maguire’ where tom cruise tells renee zellweger, ‘you complete me.'”

Then Gangel and Tapper moved on to Cheney’s take on current House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and his stubborn efforts to push the “big lie” around Congress. They also briefly touched on Cheney’s thoughts on her relationship with Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), former Speaker of the House, but then Gangel noted:

“One story here about a republican colleague that i think goes to the name names. there’s an extraordinary scene on January 6th that she recounts where republican members are sort of being asked to sign these sheets for electoral vote objections.”

Then Gangel tells us how Cheney discovered Trump’s “Orange Jesus” moniker.

“And she writes about congressman mark green of tennessee. yeah. and he’s signing and she hears him and, quote, as he moved down the line signing his name to the pieces of paper. greene said sheepishly to no one in particular, the things we do for ‘the orange jesus.

Jake Tapper couldn’t help but add “They call him ‘The Orange Jesus. Yes, it’s not exactly a compliment.”

It’s definitely not, but even so, while there’s a few Republicans who still dislike Trump, they are in the minority. And it’s why I will never understand the ones who are Trump sycophants.

So many of them fell in line behind McCarthy when he did this. I don’t get it.

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  1. “…her republican colleagues, quote, some mocked him, circulating that trump mccarthy photo along with get ready, the clip from the movie ‘jerry maguire’ where tom cruise tells renee zellweger, ‘you complete me.’”

    And here I always thought these guys hated Hollywood.

  2. I can see that having been turned into burnt toast by the election and then the failed coup Trump wouldn’t want his favorite dinner of burnt steak (drowned in ketchup) but wow. Not even his “beautiful” chocolate cake? And the two (anyone else with him only got one of course) ice cream on the side?

    If only McCarthy and others had left him alone to wallow in his self-pity. Been “too busy” to take his calls and so on. Sure, at some point Trump would have stomped his feet in some manner to get some attention but even that would have added to his isolation. And we’ve have been rid of him. He might, had he slunk away and more or less behaved (including returning everything he stole to NARA when asked and showing a tiny bit of contrition) not be criminally charged in FOUR separate jurisdictions. It’s tragic when one thinks of what might have been if McCarthy (and others) had ignored Trump instead of indulging him.


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