I’ll tell you this right now! There can be no vote in 2022, and no vote in 2024 without getting to the bottom of the 2020 vote!   Donald Trump   Ohio

There you have it. From the mouth of the Pampers President himself. With that utterance in front of a typically rabid MAGA crowd in Ohio, there is no longer any question as to whether or not His Lowness actually believes his own bullshit about the stop the steal nonsense. El Pendejo Presidente is now literally Napoleon on Elba, plotting his triumphant return. And you’re either with him, or you’re against him.

This is a potentially fatal blow for Moscow Mitch McConnell and Kreepy Kevin McCarthy going into the 2022 midterms. These two soulless ghouls have prostrated themselves before Trump ever since the election results were confirmed. They, with varying degrees of enthusiasm backed Glorious Bleater’s claims of a stolen election, and endorsed various red state audits and recounts of unfriendly election results. after the Capitol riot on 1/06, McCarthy and McConnell both first damned and then absolved Trump of any responsibility. And then both of them whipped votes to reject a clean, bipartisan commission to get to the root of it.

This is their thanks for their obedience. Trump is throwing then to the dogs. Everything they have done has been done solely to keep the Trump base in their camp, and now he’s pulling them away, just like the Lucy-and-the-football trick McConnell so loves pulling on the Democrats.

The problem is that the GOP, McCarthy, and McConnell have absolutely no leverage or control over Trump. Trump could give a shit less about 2022, he is obsessed with the results of 2020. And if Trump isn’t installed back in the Oval Office by August, and fat chance of that, then he has absolutely nothing to lose by flexing his muscles to show McConnell and McCarthy who really runs the party by ordering the faithful to stay home in 2022 in protest of a clearly tainted election cycle. And there isn’t a goddamn thing that the GOP can do about it. After all, it’s Trump’s party now.

Lie down with wolves, and you wake up with teeth marks. Going into 2016, Reince Priebus and the GOP knew that they had an unstable maniac leading the field. But as with George W Bush in 2000, the GOP felt that shackling him with a restraining influence such as Dick Cheney should do the trick. and at long last, the GOP is finally coming face to face with the consequences of their actions. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Murf, actually with Bush, the whole reason for getting Cheney was largely to offset Bush’s relative status as a novice. Bush had been Governor of Texas but that state’s governorship is considered a relatively weak position with the Legislature being stronger but, still, he had SOME political experience. He also had the evangelical vote and religious background to keep that voting bloc happy.
    With Trump, the GOP pushed Pence because he had the political experience (woeful as it was) as Governor of Indiana and he could help pull in the evangelical vote which might be a bit skittish over Trump’s pretty spotty track record on religious issues.

  2. Not like W, Murf, like Reagan. They figured he’d be the same kind of actor moron who was going senile enough to make him malleable for their ends. THAT was a gross miscalculation.


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