If you thought that Matt Gaetz couldn’t get any creepier, think again. He made it on local Dallas news because he broke the law — fancy that? He was caught going through an airport check point with a weapon, a taser. I suppose that’s better than Madison Cawthorn carrying a gun. Maybe we should be thankful for small favors.

What I find comical is that Gaetz forgot he had the taser — after kvetching about Joe Biden’s memory. Maybe that’s the least of the contraband Gaetz is carrying, who knows? In any event, he made himself a hero.

The tweet ends “secure the border.” Right. Gaetz is going to heroically throw himself under the wheels of the caravan.

Gaetz also cracked wise that he carries the taser because he can’t afford to hire Cori Bush’s husband, who is a security services professional and who has supposedly been paid a lot by Bush’s office.

It’s nice that it’s all a joke to Gaetz. The rest of the world can’t mess around like that. Normal people pulling the stunt that Gaetz did end up on no-fly lists and face serious consequences. But Gaetz considers himself a counter-culture hero, an anti-woke star, and so he explains his egregious irresponsibility in terms of flippancy and even heroism.

America is getting decadent, I give you the poster child for that proposition, Matt Gaetz.


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  1. These GOP/MAGA lawmakers… LOL… sure don’t seem to be too concerned about FOLLOWING THE LAW. I guess when you support & follow the example of a TWICE IMPEACHED CORRUPT LYING CRIMINAL CONMAN with 4 indictments & 91 felony counts, following rules & laws just aren’t important anymore.

    The GOP… party of law & order…. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

  2. Actually, though I strongly dislike Gaetz, I can actually sympathize with him on this one. In about 1971 my father had given me a tear gas pen for my protection. I put it in my coat pocket and promptly forgot about it.

    In 1973 I went on a group tour of 5 European countries. I got through Dulles airport, the Heathrow airport in London entering and leaving, and the Paris airport both entering and leaving without incident. It was finally airport officials in Rome who discovered the scary “pen” in my pocket. I had to relinquish it, and was so embarrassed!

    • that is indeed embarrassing. I forgot I had a razor blade scraping widget from my cleaning business and had to throw it out, once. Since then I have taken to changing purses entirely and just packing what I know I will need. Also for entering public buildings with screening.
      But a taser is rather bulkier and not usually disguised as something else.

    • Well, that’s all well and good but had you just recently been attacking someone else for THEIR “faulty” memory? That’s the REAL difference in your situation and Gaetz’s.
      Gaetz deserves NO sympathy whatsoever, regardless of the situation. The brat deserves to be in prison for sexually assaulting MULTIPLE young women (all of whom were effectively terrorized into not testifying against the scum bucket).

  3. He kind of makes me wonder if part of his Pedo activities, include subduing young girls for a trip to paradise in his back seat …

    He definitely has the look of a serious mafia hit man, gives me the creeps, every time he gets too much time on his mic to lambast someone … He does not know the meaning of curtesy and sympathy, like Cruz, he hammers away at people until he stops for a swig of water …

  4. And after the fist bump, the TSA agent got teary-eyed and said “Sir, keep working hard to save ‘Murrica!” Just like with Trump, it’s amazing how many crying guys there are in the professional security ranks!!


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