Mary Trump has given another interview, this time with The Independent, and her predictions for what would happen should her Uncle Donald get reelected are frightening. I mean frightening. It will come as no shock that Trump’s reelection would single the end of democracy as we know it. The Independent:

“I think if somehow Joe Biden doesn’t win in November, then I think it all becomes a moot point because we’re going to be operating in a completely different system – we’re going to be dealing with a party… and somebody in the Oval Office who is totally unfettered,” she says. “Donald in particular will feel he has to answer to nobody.”

Under such circumstances, Mary Trump agrees with the suggestion that it wouldn’t be a stretch for her uncle to feel that he would be free to ask Mike Pence, the vice president, for his resignation, then proceed to browbeat the Congress into approving his daughter as the new vice president. And because she believes he has no qualms about cheating to win re-election – and is engaging in it right now by calling the legitimacy of mail-in voting into question and ordering the post office to slow down mail – she says Democrats need to make sure they win in a landslide so massive as to be unquestionable.

The image of Ivanka as vice president and geared up to create a Trump dynasty is something out of a nightmare, but then so is everything else this family has thrown our way. And this will put you on the floor. Dr. Trump says that her cousins are an illustration of the Dunning Krueger effect. Oh.My.God. Coming from a relative is one thing, coming from a relative who is a psychologist is another.

… in an interview with The Independent, Dr Trump, the author of the best-selling Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man and a clinical psychologist by training, says the possibility that either of her cousins would choose follow their father into electoral politics shows that the validity of the Dunning-Kreuger effect – the fact that less intelligent people overestimate their gifts – “gets absolutely reinforced every day”, and is evidence of the poor condition the Republican Party is in after nearly four years with her uncle at the helm.

“The fact that the Republican Party is in such a state that either one of these people could be considered is quite astonishing,” says Dr Trump, who adds that of her two eldest cousins, it is more likely that Donald Trump Jr – who she calls “Donny” – will follow his father into the political arena.

“He’s tied into the base in a more fundamental way because he’s so abrasive and so vicious from what I can see online, he has no boundaries he won’t cross, and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to advance Donald’s agenda, so I assume the same thing would be true for his own,” she explains. “But I don’t see Ivanka having the same kind of appeal to them [the GOP base] in brute force terms.”

Finally, Dr. Trump reiterates what we all know, that Donald Trump must be defeated by a sufficient enough margin to where he won’t fight it. And she says, interestingly, that if that happens, he will be “so narcissistically injured that he’ll have to get away from it just to protect himself from acknowledging it.” And the article goes on to say, “she predicts that the president is far more likely to react by claiming that he’s the best thing that ever happened to the country but because ungrateful voters don’t appreciate him as their president, he will instead ‘do something really important, like take over [pro-Trump One America News] or something.'”

That sounds about right. We’ll be sorry that we got rid of Donald Trump, he will tell us — if he gives a concession speech at all, which I don’t hold out a lot of hope for, but if he does, that’s about the size of what it will be. And whatever his post presidency plans are, there is the small matter of dealing with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, that awaits him and his spawn. Lady Karma is taking a meeting with Lady Justice and the two of them will brew up quite a confection for the Trumps, because the Trumps have given them all the ingredients to do so.


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  1. In the aftermath of 2018 I dreamed of Trump getting an even bigger whuppin than House Republicans did, and that he’d react by quite literally going bat-shit insane like a jilted lover & wind up being carted off to the psychiatric ward in a straightjacket. That his delusions of grandeur would come crashing down, and that the part of him that believes the public craves his “tough love” rejecting him in massive numbers would turn him into a toddler doing a screaming tantrum on the floor! All that made me think of a song from back in the 1960s – They’re Coming To Take Me Away and I looked it up on YouTube for old time’s sake. I can’t find it now but I recall seeing one version with the original recording, and the due doing a great lip-sync (the thing was shot in black & white) was sitting there bound up in a worn straightjacket. But the thing that really did it for me (since I so often make fun of Trump’s ridiculous comb over – the hair on the sides that gets styled around to hide the bald top would make a helluva ponytail) was the dude had almost no hair on top but greasy, stringy hair down to his shoulders! THAT is how Trump would look without his orange spray tan makeup and no one to style that hair! Pathetic. With bad skin and stringy hair hanging down from the sides of his head. Rejected and blaming not himself but the person (or people) who in his delusions should have worshipped him and instead rejected him so he lashes out.

    • There are at least two versions on Youtube – they come up on a search for “napoleon xiv”.
      ETA: I think Himself would look better if he got his hair cut and let it go gray. But his massive ego won’t allow that.

      • pj, I don’t care one whit how tRump might improve his looks! The only way I would “like” a new him is if he had on that tattered straight jacket and his tongue was silenced by regular doses of Thorazine! ?

      • He’ll go mental when intake at prison shaves his hair. He barely has any hair, what he does have is long, his bald patches are noticeable in pictures, you can see bald spots on the side of his head and on top. He isn’t fooling anyone.

    • I just love the images that Trump dredges up from our memories or our subconscious minds. HA! I loved that song, “They’re coming to take me away.” I think in junior high or something when that was on the air.

  2. Maybe his “move” to Florida was so he and his kids wouldn’t be residents of the same state, for nomination purposes.
    I hope the GOP-T isn’t stupid enough to do it, but they’re such willing followers now that they might.

    • No, he doesn’t give a shit about his kids. It was for tax purposes, and because he believes he can somehow evades NY prosecutors.

  3. Sorry, but this prediction is off the mark. The essential underpinning of the GOP s patriarchy: women are decorative but should never have actual power. Even the tools in the GOP know enough about Donald’s fragile state that they would never run the risk the ornament assuming power. It’s why Nikki Haley will never come close to being the nominee, in 2024 or ever.

    • anastasjoy, you make a good point. But I’ve also read that a malignant narcissist’s children, both male and female, are viewed by the parent as an extension of himself and therefore worthy. It doesn’t seem like tRump feels as positive about Don Jr. and Eric as he does about Ivanka. Who really knows what that whack job is thinking!

  4. Well, Dr Trump may have laid out a credible theory but the Constitution makes that theory incredibly difficult (if not downright impossible) to achieve. One of the other provisions of the 25th Amendment (beside removing a President due to unfitness to carry out his duties) is how a Vice-President is actually replaced.

    Per the Constitution, if a VP resigns (as Spiro Agnew did back in 1973), the President then nominates a replacement who must be approved by majority vote in BOTH Houses of Congress–that is, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Assuming the worst, and the GOP manages to hang on to their Senate majority, Trump most certainly could browbeat the GOPers into voting for “First Daughter” to become Vice-President but, assuming the Democrats retain their majority in the House of Representatives, there is no fucking way that Ivanka would muster even the barest of majority votes to get approved in that chamber. While it’s true that Gerald Ford received a resounding majority support in 1973 (the Senate confirmed by a vote of 92-3 and the House confirmed by a vote of 387-35; by party breakdown, in the Senate it was 51 Democrats, 39 Republicans, 1 Conservative and 1 Independent voting for Ford with only 3 Democrats opposing and in the House, it was 199 Democrats and 188 Republicans voting for Ford and 35 Democrats opposing) and Nelson Rockefeller received a similarly resounding majority support in 1974 (the Senate confirmed by a vote of 90-7 and the House confirmed by a vote of 287-128; by party breakdown, in the Senate it was 52 Democrats, 36 Republicans, 1 Conservative and 1 Independent voting for Rockefeller with 4 Democrats and 3 Republicans opposing and in the House, it was 134 Democrats and 153 Republicans voting for Rockefeller with 98 Democrats and 30 Republicans opposing). Both Ford and Rockefeller were far better respected by members of both parties (even opponents respected the men, they just had their own varying reasons–typically a matter of specific policy differences) than Ivanka Trump is–or, at least, should be–by any Democratic member of Congress. (Democrats would have to lose 17 of their current House seats and Republicans would have to pick up 20 seats for Ivanka to have a snowball’s chance in hell of actually becoming VP barring any “defectors”; currently, there’s 1 Libertarian in the House and there are 4 vacancies, 3 of which were held by GOPers and the other being that of John Lewis’s seat.)


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