This is a day to mark down in the calendar. Mark Meadows knows more about the coronavirus than Anthony Fauci. And he’s going to tell you what Fauci said right or what he said wrong. Hard to believe, but that’s what Meadows said on Fox News. Dr. Fauci addressed a group of Georgetown University students in a virtual address, wherein he opened by saying, “This is a pandemic of historic proportions. It’s something that I think when history looks back on it, it will be comparable to what we saw in 1918.” That stuck in Meadow’s craw for some reason and he lashed out at Fauci on Fox News.

Fauci was also asked who to listen to with respect to the pandemic.

“For the most part, you can trust respected medical authorities. I believe I am one of them,” said Fauci, a graduate of Jesuit schools – Regis High School and College of the Holy Cross. “I would stick with respected medical authorities who have a track record of telling the truth, who have a track record of giving information and policy and recommendations based on scientific evidence and good data.”

Mark Meadows clearly disagreed. I guess you’re supposed to forget about Fauci’s opinion and take Meadows’. At least that seems to be his inference. It is glaringly apparent that no matter how much this White House may back down and say they have a “great” relationship with Dr. Fauci, they’re upset because he won’t become Trump’s toady and lie about the reality of the pandemic. I think that proposition has just been ratified, once again, and you can take it to the bank as the official Trump White House policy.


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  1. My sister who’s become more conservative over the years than she’s willing to admit (even to herself I think) is an example of what we’re up against. For all her difficulties in her teen years and the first par of her adulthood she straightened herself out and became a self-made woman, earning her RN. She wound up working for years in a neonatal intensive care unit in the nearby college town to our hometown and I was told she was a valued member of that team. Eventually she opted for a less intense way of utilizing her RN degree and will soon retire from doing worker’s compensation case work.

    When it comes to Covid-19 she refuses to believe the problem was becoming serious (we haven’t spoken in a couple of months) and ridiculed the notion that a coronavirus presented a major health threat. When I reminded her that SARS and MERES were coronaviruses she got all testy and countered with the fact that in the end they were managed and while the deaths were tragic the outbreaks were quickly contained. I then pointed out that those coronavirus mutations weren’t anywhere near as easily transmitted as we’d already learned Covid-19 had proven to be and that while the majority of cases might not be as serious or life threatening as SARS or MERES that like the flue pandemic a hundred years ago a staggeringly higher number of people being infected would, even with vastly superior medical intervention available now wind up still killing many, many times the number of people that SARS and MERES did. She tried to dissemble a bit and then went off on Fauci when I mentioned him.

    In a rather derisive tone she dismissed him as “only” an administrator! She went off on a minor rant about how he wasn’t at the front lines or in the forefront of conducting research on Covid-19. Basically, she knew damn well he has the chops having worked on the front lines earlier in his career and through work since as he rose higher in stature that he can damn well understand all the data from all the studies that have been conducted and make sound policy recommendations. He’s just not saying what she and most folks back where I grew up want to hear. But she’s an RN and people back there know her so when she passes disinformation it’s damaging as hell.

    I’ve often said to folks back there including my sister that while everyone assumed I was the one who inherited my father’s brains it was really always her. Not that I don’t consider myself pretty intelligent but I always considered her on another level like my dad. Her willful refusal to objectively exercise that intellect is one of the sadder things in my personal life these days. Knowing that in a place like where I grew up (a dying town) where things are pretty bad for most people and access to health care is less than optimal it’s truly distressing to know that her attitude and willingness to express it will wind up costing at least some people their lives because she will have given them an excuse to follow Trump instead of an expert like Dr. Fauci. It’s one of the things I have to fight when depression sometimes gets too firm a hold on me.

    • Hitler’s minister of propaganda had a PhD. Getting a degree requires more focus in a narrow way and doesn’t really suffice as an overall measure of intelligence or character. Know it must sux though no matter the reasons she is honoring her own arrogance/ignorance synergy suffel.

    • This must be really hard for you. The thing is, all the non-believers will end up believing in the long run, with who knows how many lives sacrificed. Like Chuck Woolery – his son has it now and he had to delete his Twitter. One day after he tweeted that bullshit.

  2. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information… Here—>>>>>>

  3. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information… Here—>>>>>>>>>> Fox200.Com

  4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it wasn’t Dr. Fauci who recommended we ingest bleach or put light up our asses to kill the virus. It was that moran in the WH, who this lickspittle, Meadows, is kowtowing to. It wasn’t Fauci who said this is all going to disappear some 100,000+ American deaths ago. How do these guys have the guts to show their faces to the public anymore? Where did their brains go? Why don’t they get this virus so they can show us just what a nothing-burger this whole epidemic really is? Jeez.

  5. What are Meadows’s qualifications in science and medicine?
    He shouldn’t be talking if he doesn’t know more than the average 5th-grader.

  6. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information… Here—>>>>


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