Politics does make for some strange bedfellows and if you told me back in 2013, say, that the people who ran both the Romney and McCain campaigns would be on the side of the Democrats and fighting to get a corrupt GOP incumbent out of office, and get him convicted in an impeachment trial — his second — I would have just left you standing there jabbering, figuring you were barking mad. But no, that’s how it is nowadays.

It won’t surprise you that Marjorie Taylor Greene has lashed out angrily at Project Lincoln.

Doesn’t seem like that salvo brought them to their knees much, now did it?

The Lincoln Project is busy focusing on Rudy Giuliani these days, but they still have time to swat at the fly that is Marjorie Taylor Greene, I imagine.

Lot of truth to this statement. What the Republican party has devolved into is nothing short of horrifying. It is not the party of McCain or Romney and don’t even talk about Dwight D. Eisenhower. There is no room for Eisenhower in today’s party at all.

Greene is feeling omniscient these days because she spoke with Trump and she believes that she is his standard bearer now and that he’s the standard bearer for the party — and she may be right. But where that leads to may be someplace else besides where she thinks it goes.

Greene might want to thumb through Rick Wilson’s book, “Everything Trump Touches Dies” and refresh her memory just a bit. With Donald Trump, the past is prologue. He never changes.


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    • Now Denis, there IS the Interstate Highway System AND Eisenhower, WAS a hell of a popular war hero … WWII was a dumping ground for expensive big iron production, large flying aluminum and magnesium planes … our country learned how to use welders, with these metals, flat headed rivets for more efficient flights and massive machines, along with Rosie’s hands to build several of those beasts in a day …

      The housing industry learned how to jam thousands of houses together in developments with micro yards and confusing circle street layouts, it WAS a happy time, a lot of people came home, many more did not … Eisenhower’s days were very different from these days … what we do with them is so very important, it certainly does NOT include Trump OR Ted from Texas …

      You are right, Reagan’s world was unstable at best, but his was more experimental I think as the GOP was trying their shit out to get further into the money and control …

      • The problem with Raygun was his mental instability. It’s a more or less accepted fact that he was suffering from dementia and there was a fairly strong belief back then that Nancy was making the decisions, based on what her medium was telling her.

        The original ‘Spitting Image’ series ran a weekly ‘The President’s Brain is Missing’ sketch.

        As for MTG – she really wants to lay off the qanonade before her last remaining brain cell rots

        • Daitha, was it Spitting Image that did the bit where Reagan thought he was still a Hollywood actor PLAYING the part of a president, and the staff kept humoring him and rewriting the “scripts” because REAL EVENTS were changing? I was not very politically aware back then, but I do remember some parody like that.

  1. Why does it seem since Joe got into office, the Dem side seems under control, hesitant but optimistic? Whereas, all the cray cray has gone full batsh*t crazy, howl at the moon, hysterical rage, and off the cliff looners with most of the the GOP. Well, besides, the ones that voted for impeachment in the House, and the five in the Senate. 140 in House are playing with fire or have matches. But that still leaves (212 – 10 – 140) 60 or so who are silent. Or, drowned out ?

    • I have a long-standing theory on that, Senovio. It comes down to leadership. The seeds of rot were planted within the GOP presidential campaign of 2000, when W had Karl Rove use that push poll in South Carolina to ruin John McCain’s bid by insinuating how he fathered a black child out of wedlock. After 9/11, the W faction quietly eliminated or neutralized all potential rivals to their primacy, no doubt as part of Rove’s “permanent Republican majority” fantasia.

      Then came the crash of 2008 and any association with W suddenly became a major problem. But their people had taken over so much of the leadership apparatus that they left gaping holes in the command structure after leaving in 2009. The best they could do after that were middling middle managers like Boehner, Ryan and McConnell, who stupidly thought the Tea Party would give them a fresh generation of shock troops. Instead, it paved the way for Trump, who finished the job W started in terms of wiping out dissenters. And now we’re here.

  2. I’m sure MTG is gratified by all the attention she’s been getting. It was the same with tRump. Sucked all the air out of the room, now she’s doing the same thing. While she’s a scourge and we need to keep an eye on her and hold her responsible for her obscene utterances, the media needs to stop focusing on her like she’s the only nut job out there. She isn’t, there’s plenty to go around. But there are also important, progressive and constructive things happening and we need more focus on those. We need to be seen as getting shit done, not just obsessing about the GOPers latest Chucky wannabe.

    • It helps to think of Margarine Gangrene as a distraction…for the GOP. While they’re busy putting out the latest fire she gleefully sets, Uncle Joe just keeps working on what needs to be done. Our own Black Max would argue–with some justice, I might add–how we can’t ignore her and her fellow arsonists completely. But as you say, we DO have more important issues to deal with.

  3. No room for Eisenhower in today’s tRumpublican Party, much less (Abe) Lincoln,…except perhaps his early leanings toward repatriating African Americans. Of course, that remains the only claim that “R’s”can make to being “The Party of Lincoln”.

    • One Republican who never gets credit despite everything he did for his country: Hiram Ulysses Grant or as it says on his West Point application, Ulysses S. Grant. Saved the Union by handing the seemingly unbeatable Robert E Lee his ass (after handing his subordinates an epic speech on how they need to focus on what THEY’RE going to do), established the Department of Justice specifically to fight the Klan, even was the only President to be written up for a speeding ticket at his own insistence (by one of DC’s newly appointed black policemen, no less!). I often think about his final fate: years of being swindled left him broke and dying from inoperable cancer of the throat. But he held on long enough to write his memoirs, which provided for his family after he died. Then a few years later, some jackasses robbed his grave and held his corpse for ransom!

      Hard not to see some parallels in his story vis-a-vis his old party and what it became.

  4. I’m so confused by this horrible, horrible woman. Being slightly autistic and a creative writer type, I usually can read people pretty well and get to the heart of their story. But MGT? That’s just too much crazy. Do you guys think she’s:

    A. Actually insane and believes her garbage 100%

    B. Honestly believes that her opponents and enemies are evil, and therefore has constructed a metaphorical narrative around them. For example, a “vampire” is someone who metaphorically sucks the soul out of the nation, not someone who literally does so.

    C. Doesn’t really believe all of this but is cynically using the nonsense she spouts as a way to get attention and accumulate power.

    D. It starts as C, but she deluded herself into belief.

    E. All of the above? None? Other?

  5. She’s the de facto leader of the QAnon Party in Congress. There are about 10 actual Republicans left, and none of them are worth anything – the best of that lot is Rmoney, and he can’t be depended on.

  6. I believe she is merely another opportunist that the Rep Party seems to have abundantly. She is also a fearful person, mistrusting most people. She is self serving, absolutely without scruples, and she is dangerous. Well so much for her good points. I’m not planning to miss much her narrative which the world can do with out. Hopefully she will continue her misinformed tirades until Twitter cut off her account and she disappears from public view. But do not bad pennies always have a way of showing up.


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