In any other politician’s life, a statement like Marjorie Taylor Greene just made today, “the reality is murder is legal,” would be a statement that would define them and dog them and haunt them forevermore. Yet, who knows if anybody will even notice? This may fade into the background noise, that a sitting congresswoman just blithely announced that “murder is legal” in the United States of America.

As a matter of fact, I would pretty much count on this not making too many headlines. Not considering the source. What would be newsworthy is if Greene actually said something insightful or helpful one day. That would be so out of character that it would generate interest.

How I hope this woman ends up as a one-term footnote in the history books. Here’s the latest plunge down the rabbit hole.

So the 5th Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill, is off the books? Did she get this straight from God, or do we have to ask that wingnut in California who has Jesus visiting in her walk in closet?

The Columbine shooting was blamed on Marilyn Manson and the movie Natural Born Killers. It was Hollywood’s fault. The fact that these wealthy kids with easy access to money had even easier access to assault weapons was minimized at the time.

Murder is legal. War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Ignorance is strength. We could go on but you get the idea.


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  1. Murder is legal. Missed that memo. Where in the fuck did this dumb c*nt come from F.F.S.? jeezus she is so fucking moronic I cannot fathom how her brain keeps her breathing while she sleeps there is so little neuron activity in it.

    • Marge Traitor Greene reminds me of an old joke. The idiot goes to the doctor complaining of headaches. The doctor noticed that she was wearing headphones, and suggests that she take them off. She says “I can’t take them off, I’ll die!”. A week later she is back at the doctors office complaining of severe headaches. The doctor insists tat she take the headphones off, but again she says that if she takes them off she will die. A week later she is back at the doctors office begging him to give her something to relieve the severe headaches. She still claims that if she takes off the headphones, she will die. The doctor is now quite frustrated, and rips the headphones off. She immediately expires. Curious, the doctor listens to the headphones and hears breath in…breath out…breath in…

  2. So, from Marjie’s own words, if I sent her a letter stating my intent to kill her, she could NOT sic anyone on me?

    You know she’d be rushing off to right-wing media (and possibly law enforcement) whining about the “attempt” on her life.

  3. Some forms f murder are de jur legal int he US, such as capital punishment. Other forms are de facto legal, such as killing a person of color if you are a LEO. I doubt that’s what she meant, though – if she meant anythng.

    There’s a YouTube channel which I think bears the owner’s name, and I don’t remember that, but could prbably be easily Googled by entering “The Got Away With Murder.” If you like gruesome stuff.

  4. MTG is a moron.
    Murder is legal if it is self defense. Especially if it is a,white cop gunning down a PoC running away and unarmed. Guess we have cowardly cops these days.

  5. For those commenting who think that murder is sometimes legal, please examine the difference between “murdering” and “killing.” Murder is illegal by definition. Here is Merriam-Webster’s definition of murder (noun and verb):

    Definition of murder (Entry 1 of 2) [used as a noun]
    1: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

    transitive verb

    1: to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice

    No, killing in self-defense may not be a crime. And legally authorized killing, such as capital punishment, is by definition not a crime. (Its morality is a separate question.)

    In non-legal settings, we say “murder” carelessly. But there is a distinction we must remember between “murdering” and “killing.”


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