Donald Trump is on his way to the State of Maine (sans Susan Collins, intriguingly) so he can do a couple of photo ops, one with a swab manufacturer to assure us all how totally on top of COVID-19 he is and always has been and another at a roundtable on commercial fishing — where he will undoubtedly claim a “natural ability” in that industry, as well. How could he not? But in anticipation of his arrival, a Maine newspaper said to him, “We’re sorry that you decided to come to Maine but since you’re here, could you do us a favor? Resign.” Ouch. Portland Press Herald:

But ask yourself – can this country take five more months like the last five? You are a president supported by a minority of the people, and your only path to victory in November is to further divide the nation. This campaign could do even more lasting damage than you have done already.

We know that you are not much of a student of history, but you recently said that you “learned a lot from Richard Nixon.”

That’s good, because he set the historical precedent for what you should do now.

In a nationally televised address, Nixon said that he knew that he was about to be impeached over Watergate, and he wanted to fight the charges.

But since that would be destructive to the nation he served, he chose instead to resign. Nixon said: “By taking this action,  I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America.”

America needs to heal again. Please resign now, and let us begin.

Trump is on some kind of a high right now, because unemployment is only at 13% and there are only 108,000 people dead from COVID-19. On the employment figure, his economic adviser Stephen Moore says he’s “doing cartwheels in my living room.” He must have fallen on his head during one of the cartwheels to be celebrating that figure as incredible, but that’s Trumptopia — if the last wheel hasn’t fallen off the wagon, declare it a victory, that’s one wheel on the wagon, who would have thought, one whole wheel, this is a victory for wheels everywhere and a giant step in wagon engineering to boot. Make Wagons Great Again.

Maybe the good people of Maine will wake Trump up. I doubt it. Or, better yet, maybe somebody will slip him this op/ed ahead of time and he can go off the rails and insult the Mainers, as is his wont to do, and that would be par for the course. But since it’s a newspaper, he’ll just blame it all on the “enemy of the people.” Sure, that’s right, everybody in Maine really loves Donald Trump. What a fool believes, he sees, right? And maybe he’ll endorse Susan Collins. That would be an interesting litmus test, if he would endorse her and her polls would plummet even further post-endorsement. Donald Trump might just be the anti-Midas as well as the un-president.

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  1. May the BLUE WAVE of 2020 start in the great state of Maine and find its way across the USA all the way to the coast of California and beyond!

    • That is poetry, Kevin, and sheer music to my ears. Nothing and I mean nothing besides maybe winning the lottery, would make me happier.

  2. The NY TIMES could have asked for his resignation, instead they decided to run a fascist screed by Tom Cotton. If they ever get to the same place this Maine paper does, no one will believe anything they choose to publish. This small paper puts them to shame.

    • I’m waiting on Trump’s latest contact high to wear off. When it does, he’ll be right back to where he’s been all along.

    • Maybe 100 or more papers could be demanding his resignation, just like they did when Bill Clinton did something that had absolutely no impact on anyone outside of himself, his immediate family and Monica Lewinsky — four people total out of the entire country. It had no impact on our economy, our health, our justice system, our international reputation and cost no one their life.

      The entire mainstream media broke itself in obeisance to Donald Trump.

  3. Some bits I picked up on Twitter confirmed my suspicions about those numbers being fudged by about 3.7 million. Had they been counted, it would have brought the unemployment rate up to 16.1%. But hey, let Trump’s overconfidence once again get him in trouble. Since resignation is off the table, we’ll just have to do our job in November.

  4. Nothing that anyone tell him is changing and a newspaper is his enemy and the unemployment # are bad so go cheer up Susan Collins so when she losses she can say honestly gee I didn’t see that coming. Then he can go hide in his bunker like his north Korea best friend

  5. I hear Susan is locked in her bathroom caught agonizingly between supremely concerned & acute disappointment, but is relieved the orange toad is the best lesson learner ever.

  6. Well it’s a good thing he put all that free time he had after evading the draft to good use. Studying a criminal President in action. This would be about the same time he and his father were in court for refusing to rent to black families.


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