Some days you eats the bear, some days the bear eats you…



Who can face such rigorously drilled soldiers? 🤣🤣🤣


“Where’s the mess hall?”






Quite the opposite, really.




Somehow, I don’t think this Christmas Eve posting got the reception MAGAMARINE was hoping for.

Better luck next time, dummy.

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  1. Maybe Mr “MAGAtMARINE” might want to consider his post could be used as evidence in his trial for treason.

    I’m hoping some REAL Marines pay this schlub a visit, just to find out if the guy ever really served. If he did, they might remind his ass that Marines are supposed to serve their country, not some political cause. If he didn’t, maybe they should tell him (in no uncertain terms) to stop the play-acting.

    • I can’t put into words how proud I was four decades ago to have earned the title of United States Marine. The fact Trump was even close in the polls leading up to election night 2016 was appalling and when he somehow sleazed his way into the WH it meant all of my own, and every person’s service didn’t mean shit. I do hold out hope that one day, the process Biden has started of restoring us to being a still flawed but trying to be better nation will be back to that instead of the mess Trump made of things.

      As for this asshat I say this: If you send some of your “Farce Recon” Marines to take me out, I’ll be going to hell in a crowd. I don’t own a single firearm anymore and I’ll still take a bunch of YOUR dipshits with me before my least breath. Bring it on motherfucker.

  2. I don’t get what he means by “keep f***ing with us.” I don’t know anyone that messes with them. Maybe to show them their beliefs are wrong? Or put their bizarre thinking on public display?

  3. My only fear is that what happened in 1860. The Southern generals were graduates of West Point, and many soldiers were Southerners. While the officer corps are liberal, tge current Es tend conservative. My hope is they keep their oath.

    Most of the MAGAts are fat, sloppy and stupid. Tey have a lot of guns, but no high tech equipment like planes,and rpgs.But remember how many Israelis died when Hamas attacked on bicycles and motorcycles and used commercial drones.

    • We will be ready. We took note from January 6. As long as they realize in the armed forces or not, they all can stop bullet. The American revolution was fought by teachers, scholars, teachers, farmers, etc. MAGA is not invincible. And frankly. I’m pretty tired of the threats. Let’s do this, but remember. It never turns out the way yiu think it will. It never does. There will be heavy loses, on both sides. Their fantasy about the left running and screaming is just that. A fantasy. They own guns and know how to use them and will. They don’t need practice drills and tiki torches, screaming slurs or threats. Just do it.

  4. I’m always surprised by how fucking stupid MAGAs are. Altho, it stands to reason that the people comprising MAGAs are the same people being exploited by every grifter in America from Trump to Joel Osteen to these blue check ‘trolls’ so desperately insecure that they’ll say any ridiculous thing to ‘own the libs’. Libs would stop calling them stupid if they just tethered themselves to reality and voted for their own best interests rather than deliberately fucking themselves b/c some politician got their racism so triggered that they refuse to vote for their own best interests b/c it ‘might’ help a non white or non man or non ‘their kind of ‘christian’’.



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