If the thought of Madison Cawthorn calling anybody a punk makes you want to break into hysterical laughter, you won’t on this occasion, because this spiel is simply too outrageous. I don’t know if Dr. Fauci can successfully sue for slander, but this is beyond any boundaries of taste and decency, not to mention that there is zero truth contained in this tirade.

Yes, I know, Cawthorn is the liar, the punk, who is only doing this to make himself wealthy and famous. They project more than an IMAX theater, the entire lot of freaks that populate the GOP these days. This isn’t government, this is the Jerry Springer Show, Congress Edition.

Cawthorn majored in sexual harassment in college and he got Ds before he dropped out. This level of nonentity is attacking an octogenarian epidemiologist of world renown. It is shocking that American culture has degenerated to this level. But like all shocks, you become immune to it after a while.

Greene, Boebert, Cawthorne, Gaetz all represent the non intellectual, anti-intellectual, anti-science morons who unfortunately comprise a certain segment of this country. And it says something profound that they’re all Republicans.

There are two Big Lies running concurrently in this country now. One is about the election and the other about the pandemic. The GOP keeps this going because they are bankrupt in all departments of endeavor and if they don’t have chaos and hostility going, they have nothing at all.


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  1. This G.Q.P. moron needs to be eliminated. From the house, fine whatever. I would very much like to have the little sh*t call Dr. Fauci anything other than Dr. Fauci, in front of me. He would never use his equipment ever again. Of course just being a sexual harasser doesn’t mean he actually uses it now so this might not be the best punishment.

  2. Call me insensitive or even cruel but I got a kick out of the twitterer that made the Roller Nazi comment. I say that as someone who first started working with special populations (as a volunteer of course) including some kids in wheelchairs when I was in Cub Scouts. Late in life, during college and right after I’d work with them professionally. And even before returning to such work, going “back to my social services roots” almost fifteen years ago there were other instances of some volunteer stuff. Even some work when I was involved with Outdoor Recreation while working for a national conservation group. I’ve known, worked with and been friends with people in wheelchairs. I also know that not all such people are good people. I’ll never forget a paraplegic who spoke at the annual conference (The International Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies) down in Arkansas one year about expanding opportunities for people like him. He gave a great presentation but one thing he said I still recall – he warned attendees who might be well-meaning that not everyone like him (in a wheelchair) had good intentions. That some were just selfish jerks out to get attention, or get additional and free stuff and services. Stuff and services they didn’t really want or need, but took just because they could. Even if that meant denying what were limited resources to others who actually wanted them or needed more help.

    Cawthorne falls squarely in this category. It’s tragic that he’s in a wheelchair. But being so doesn’t make him a good or noble person. He was a piece of shit before that happened (at least the Naval Academy recognized it and rejected him) and he’s a bigger piece of shit now.

    • One of my college professors was in a wheelchair – hemiplegic, I think, he had some use of his hands and arms – and he was a good guy. But he worked to get there; he’d broken his back in HS, as an Eagle Scout, and spent a year in the hospital recovering and adjusting. (They told him what he couldn’t do, and he worked hard and then did it.)

    • I suspect that as one gets older, one tends to become more and more themself. In his case, that’s not a good or nice person.

    • The world is full of assholes, handicapped and otherwise. Madison is one of those angry guys who should roll his chair off a cliff and hope it kills him. Jesus loves you, Madison; but everyone else thinks you are an asshole.

  3. When did Frankenstein’s monster learn to do more than tap dancing to puttin on the ritz? In his case, his Ritz is lacking cheese. Musta slid off.

  4. One brick short of a load, the lights are on but nobody is home, one fry short of a happy meal. I could go on but the comments would just get vulgar. What a pretentious little short penis this “guy” is. In my day, he would have been taken out behind the barn and taught a few manners. Nobody would ever call him a prick because that’s part of a man and he is no part of that.


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