It is SO mysterious, isn’t it? For all the world, it seems like the Republicans closest to Trump are the ones most hostile to Ukraine. They are most able to look past the fact that Putin is launching missiles into apartment buildings, and the Ukrainians have found mass graves, all civilians.

It is just an invasion, and it’s done by our strongest ally, Vladimir Putin, who we like far more than Joe Biden, who is an evil monster. Make America Great Again by bowing to a Russian president!

Just two days ago, Don Jr. called Zelensky a welfare queen. Don Jr. said this. Don Jr. is the man that has never held a real job and is rich because his dad hired all his kids from Ivana. At one point, Junior wanted to join the military. Dad was so disgusted by the idea (Little people join the military and get killed for their country), that dad said that if Junior did join the military, he would toss Junior out of the will.

Don Jr. chose welfare over fighting.

Where were we? Oh, people close to Trump, like Madison Cawthorn. Madison also hates Zelensky and, quite possibly, Ukraine. Maddie – also a welfare queen – is very upset that Zelensky chose to wear a sweater to the joint session of Congress. I was shocked he wore the uniform to the White House and the Joint Session. But ultimately, it made sense. He is at war. He is a president leading people who were in the field that night. He wasn’t going to put on a silk suit. He was going to be a “Ukrainian,” still fighting.

Madison called Pelosi and V.P. Harris treacherous little humans, this coming from a guy so disliked and “treacherous in what he said” that he couldn’t win the Republican primary and was mad because Pelosi and Harris accepted and waved a Ukrainian flag. Whatever the protocol may be, it is certain that the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate can waive the protocol just as easily as they waived the Ukrainian flag.

May I point out that Madison has his own very very mysterious connections to Russia?

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK

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  1. Did little Maddie even show up? I rather doubt it! So he can just STFU about Zelensky’s attire. Funny, but if Maddie is soooooo concerned about appearance in the Congress I can’t recall ever, not once hearing him (or any other Republican for that matter) say anything about Gym Jordan’s REFUSAL to wear a fucking suit jacket or sport coat! So again, just STFU Cawthorne!

    One other thing. As for Don Jr. and his infamous threat to join the Army give me a fucking break. He knew damn well what his father thought of the armed forces and no doubt held them in the same contempt – to Don Jr. they were a bunch of second-rate people, with a handful of capable but misguided ones that were, to use his father’s words “suckers” for signing up. Don Jr. NEVER really entertained the idea of going into the armed forces. It was nothing more than a rhetoric teenager’s bomb thrown out during an argument with his dad – one he knew would piss his dad off.

    As someone who did serve it truly bugs the shit out of me that anyone talks about that threat Don Jr. made to his daddy in the heat of an argument believing he was serious. And I’m OFFENDED at those who try to tout him as patriotic, someone who was willing to actually serve. He’d be like one of those guys who wrangle an appointment to West Point or Annapolis and before the first week of plebe summer was over he’d been headed for home with his tail tucked between his legs. My oh my how I’d have loved to see any of my DIs get their hands on him for even one fucking day. During my time gay people got kicked out right on the spot. And we had a guy in our platoon, a rich kid (his father’s company held military contracts in fact) who played the “gay card” to get out.

    One evening after about a week during “free time” (when we got to take a shower, shine boots and brass, iron and use the time left to read & write mail) he banged on the door of the duty hut. The DIs inside shouted to him to go the fuck away. So he banged again, and the shout came out what the fuck is so important? The guy shouted he was gay and it was like the two DIs in there moved at the speed of light whisking him inside. He stayed there until it was time to hit the rack for the night. One of the DIs stood at the back of the squadbay keeping our attention, while the other shot out of there with the guy (the only person to see it was the “fire watch” for the initial shift that night – he was by the front hatch) and we never saw the dude again.

    That would have been, at least back in those days Don Jr. Not gay, but if saying he was got him the hell out and right fucking now he’d have done so!

  2. How easy it is to sit comfortably with your riches on the sidelines while many children will wake up Christmas morning without their daddy or mommy because they are serving in the military never knowing when and if the shit will hit the fan. I don’t know if you remember the famous scene in the movie In Harms Way about the naval battles of the pacific, where a poser was confronted by kirk Douglas, after winning the toss from burgess Meredith. The poser was a pr guy for an admiral who never wanted to fight while John Wayne was setting up a battle to take a strategic island. He slapped the coward several times in the latrine & told him to get off the island. After kirk left, he immediately looked in the mirror to check his face. Little Maddie wouldn’t say that shit in front of a true soldier. An assault charge would be worth every penny. Cowards talk. Zelensky is a solider. Why dress up and pretend it’s just a social affair. The congress people head to their townhouses in Georgetown and sleep on Egyptian cotton sheets. Zelensky heads back to hell. Fuck that punk.

  3. Little Maddie has no effing clue: Zelenskyy said he wouldn’t wear a suit until Russia leaves Ukraine. He’s not kidding around about it, as all the complainers could see.
    (I wonder how much Ukraine could make by licensing their military tees and sweaters for sale to us decadent types? And how fast the MAGAts would buy them?)

  4. Did it ever occur to those idiots that Zalensky came straight from the front line at Bakhmut and didn’t stop to pick up his suit (if he still had one that was wearable after the incessant bombing of Kyiv)?

  5. How in the hell did little maddie get elected in the first place? The boy is just not bright. I guess the voters in his district figured that out rather quickly.

  6. Poor, lame-duck, conservative congressman Madison Cawthorn. Looks like it’s back to his old life of multiple DUIs, wearing women’s clothing, and nakedly dry-humping random male friends on video in hotel rooms. Good luck with your new, old life, f**kface.

  7. Who gives a rat’s ass what Maddie thinks. He is no longer relevant, and if he persists, all his BS is gonna come back to bite him big time.


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