Tacky? Yes. Tasteless? Absolutely. Trumpian? The very definition. It’s Valentine’s Day and while friends and lovers share gifts and bonhomie, Donald Trump does what he’s known for which is grift. And what a grift he’s got going on Valentine’s Day.

There definitely is nothing that he won’t use to fundraise. He needs money now more than ever. And evidently the rubes are willing to keep supplying it.


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  1. The real question is will he be able to recognize her picture from the next woman he assaults? Ahh…true love!
    A man wrapped up in himself makes a small bundle.
    Benjamin Franklin

  2. Can you imagine THAT conversation? Trump saying look, I know you don’t want to campaign or even be seen with me. But I need money and let’s face it, so do you. So, instead of us taking a photo how bout I give you an I love you shout out in a fundraising email? You don’t have to lift a finger. And Mealanie saying (spitting out – with venom) Fine Donald. Send your fooking email. BUT I get to have half of whatever you get. Take eet or leave eet! Then she turns to her aid and says I TOLD you breeng me moose and squirrel! And geet me accountant too! I don’t trust HEEM for one fooking second and vant my own person watching!


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