No problem, I’ve got that train beat!   Famous last words

Everybody ready? Ready for a week of watching PGA pros practice their putts while the cable networks try to make it sound like The Masters are going on? Cuz that’s what’s about to happen. But there is an upside, and it’s there for Biden and the Democrats.

Cast your minds back a few months to the 2nd Carroll defamation trial, and the NY civil fraud trial. Trump only showed up sporadically to either trial, but when he did, two  things were certain. Ridiculous antics in the courtroom, and outrageous post court pressers. because these were civil trials, and Traitor Tot’s guilt was pretty much a given, the mainstream media didn’t bother with the pressers, only showing clips when he said something spectacularly stupid, even for Trump.

But it still had an effect for him politically. Two months ago a major national poll showed His Lowness +6 over BidenNow, Biden hasn’t been doing anything massively different in the last two months, but an identical poll by the same firm released last week shows that Biden is now +3 over Trump. If Biden isn’t doing anything differently, it must be Trump. And the more his legal walls have closed in, the more incoherent he’s become. And people are paying attention now.

And Trump just got called up to the majors. granted as the water boy, but he’s still in the majors. Tomorrow morning jury selection begins in his first criminal trial in Manhattan, and while many people caught in a life-or-death situation work themselves into such a panic that the actual event is almost anti-climactic, for Trump it will be even worse than he feared.

Here’s why. In his civil trials, Trump’s presence wasn’t required. He could come and go as he pleased, making a theatrical exit in outrage when he was peeved. But a criminal defendant is required to be in court every day, no matter what is going on. And if there’s one thing guaranteed to introduce a defendant to the horrors of the trial system, jury selection will do it.

I know of what I speak. I’ve served on two civil personal injury trials, so I’ve been through it. I’ve sat there with 19 other prospective jurors in the spectator section while they call one juror number at a time for individual voir dire. And it’s about as exciting and entertaining as watching flies fornicate.

And it will be even worse for Trump. First of all, Trump has the attention span of a two week old puppy, and besides, there’s nothing really going on to concentrate. So he’ll sit there brooding darkly about what a crock of sh*t this is. Second, trump is never going to feel he’s getting a fair ruling from the judge, and no juror is going to be a fair juror unless they’re wearing a MAGA hat in court. trump will be at a high rolling boil by 4pm every day.

So what next? Find those f*cking microphones and vent! Spew like a thousand bastard Freddie Krueger’s! And I’m betting that this time, the networks are going to cover those gaggles from start to finish. For the simple reason that this time, we’re within 6 months of the general election, and more people are just starting to tune in to the process. And El Pendejo Presidente is going to come off sounding like someone who escaped from Matawan without their Ritalin.

And while these Trumper tantrums may spool his slobbering mouth breathers into a tizzy of righteous outrage, it will have a different effect on those of us who can tie our own shoes, and zip up before we leave the bathroom. We’re going to ask ourselves a simple question What the hell is this moron screaming about? Absolutely nothing even happened in court today, and he’s whining like the Supreme Court just turned down his stay of execution?!

And this is just jury selection! Believe me, it’ll get much worse for Trump once the trial actually starts. because once again Il Douche will have to sit in his chair for eight hours and listen as witnesses describe his blatant criminal activities and back it up with documents. And while Trump will still be at a high boil every day when he rockets out to the microphones to scream, face red with rage, and fist pounding the lectern, the basic dynamics will have changed, and not to his benefit.

Here’s the McGuffin. Unlike with jury selection, by the time The Cheeto Prophet finally runs apoplectically to the microphones, the rest of us have spent the day getting regular updates on cable news or news radio about exactly what happened that day in court, including direct quotes copied down by the in courtroom reporters. And we’ll be able to mentally compare that with the psychotic rantings of an obviously very sick puppy.

So strap in my friends, this is going to be a long, loud 4-8 weeks. But as the trial grinds on, there’s one thing I’m sure of. As more reputable battleground state and national polling comes out, Biden claws back and passes Trump in the polling. All Da Prez needs to do is to ignore the trial and act normal. This trial will irrevocably change the 2024 election from a referendum on Biden’s term, and instead focus it on The Madness of King Don.

I thank  you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. It’s ironic that Team Trump will try to drag out jury selection as long as possible. Every day he’s in the courtroom is a day he’s not out campaigning or hitting up rich people at gatherings for money. And with nothing else to talk about the pundits will be talking about the charges he’s facing and the case against him. You and I know he’s guilty and absent sneaking in someone who will hang the jury he’ll be convicted. However as you say an awful lot of people will be starting to pay real attention for the first time. Trump will be convicted in the court of public opinion long before the case gets handed to the jury. MAGAs will stick with him but conservative leaning Independents, and a notable amount of Republicans will say no fucking way now when they have to think about whether to vote for him this fall. Many of the former will vote for Biden. The rest third Party. And the second group, newly disaffected Republicans? Well, they might not be able to bring themselves to vote for Biden but they too will vote for a third Party candidate. Or not vote (at least for President) at all.

    Now, the media wants its goddamned horse race so they will be in overdrive trying to spin both sider bullshit. Inventing shit about Biden to weaken him. Some version of “Hillary’s emails” or something, anything to weaken Biden. But let’s deal with that when the news bosses have figured out what the narrative they want to peddle. And force their “talent” to peddle.

  2. The New York Times is reporting a nostalgia bump in a recent poll for diaper Don. really don’t get the appeal of the 1860s except some people openly or secretly prefer a time of slavery when half the population could not vote. This is an embarrassment to live among imbeciles. I know we are not suppose to pay attention to polls but damn it is disgusting. 🤢

  3. “First of all, Trump has the attention span of a two week old puppy, and besides, there’s nothing really going on to concentrate.”

    Murf, I take exception to that. A two-week old puppy has a greater span of attention than Trump. Trump’s attention is only as long as it takes him to “write” one of his social media blathers. As soon as he posts it, he’s already forgotten it.


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