Trumpism Lives might as well be the theme of the CPAC convention starting tonight in Orlando, Florida, instead of America Uncanceled, because that’s the clearer message that is being transmitted by the heads of the Republican party. Mitch McConnell already told Fox News today that he would support Trump as the 2024 nominee, and Liz Cheney, by stark contrast, is one of a very small group to maintain unwaveringly that Donald Trump has no business leading the GOP or running for a third time. Boy, is she getting clobbered.

Then Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) commented, and he made it clear that “the majority of the Republican conference” and “the party” is in one place and Cheney is in another. Roy said Cheney “forfeited her right to be chair of the Republican conference yesterday.”

Cheney is supporting an unpopular minority view in the Republican party. The rest of the GOPers can’t wait to get Trump back at the top of the ticket, apparently.

Or, alternatively, it may be Roy and McCarthy who are out of touch with the rest of the party. Only one thing is certain: both the Trump and the anti-Trump factions can’t win. That, and Sunday night is expected to be the re-anointment of Trump as the Chosen Leader and the formal resurrection of the cult.

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  1. Let’s see………

    Under Trump-O’s stellar leadership the GOP (Group of Pricks) has lost,

    The House
    The Presidency
    The State of Georgia
    The Senate

    So sure……run him again and hope for a different result……seems there is an existing term for that…..


  2. If they continue to follow that idiot the democrats don’t have a whole lot to worry about. Good ole boy Cyrus Vance might have a few choice words on Orang numb nuts. He did just get trumps taxes this afternoon. Oh yeah, a waste of space Sara whatever Sanders. Said that congress wasn’t smart enough to figure out trumps taxes. Well what’s her name. Forgot. Little girl from California is a professor of tax law and has written books on taxes. And oh yeah. She’s a Democrat..good luck Donnie.


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