There’s a fascinating phenomenon going on in Trump world these days. There is a pervasive belief that people want to hear dark, dystopian, doomsday predictions from political candidates. This is in stark contrast to the celebratory, upbeat State Of The Union address that Joe Biden gave last night, which was lauded as a hit minutes after it ended, while it was going on, in fact.

So that leaves us with a fundamental question: what do Americans really believe? Do they believe in an American Carnage view of this country? Are they huddled behind barbed wire fences, flying the Confederate flag and defending their apocalypse food supply with AR-15s, or do they believe that things are good, the economy is solid, and even better things are coming down the pike and in short order? Which? Because it can’t be both.

There seems to be a pervasive Republican tone deafness that tells them that people really want to hear cloak and dagger conspiracy theories. That’s why it’s actually worthwhile to listen to this nuttiness, because it displays a worldview that right-wing nut jobs are desperate to sell, Donald Trump first and foremost. But who really listens to this?

Frankly, I don’t know how this guy has an FCC license. Last I knew, it was illegal to use the public airwaves to encourage violence, mayhem, destruction of property, all that. Abrogation of the Fairness Doctrine is one thing, using the airwaves to encourage organized violence against private property is something else altogether.

Leaving the legality of this aside for a moment, why does the right-wing community think that this is what people want to hear? Isn’t the fact that the Republicans have tanked in the last three elections, and two runoff elections, glaring evidence that people are not responding to extremist drivel? At least, not at the ballot box, which is the only place it counts.

I don’t think the GOP knows how to read the room. And if you missed the granddaddy of them all, Trumpty Dumpty himself, who seems determined to climb the highest wall he can so he can really go spectacularly splat when he finally hits the pavement, here is his version of the “real” state of the union.

Here’s more.

Do they really think they’re getting through to the voters with this? Or, is this all that they have to offer, is lies and confusion? Is it either continue to feed the outrage machine nonstop, or just go silent? Because I am beginning to think that those may be the choices.

The GOP is not going to win with these tactics. That’s not speculation, that’s historical fact. They lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, and the two Georgia runoffs, which were key to control of the Senate. Why can’t they see the handwriting on the wall? The rest of us see it, strobing in neon, in fact.

I don’t think they’re going to retake the White House, based on conspiracy theory, but I suppose I could be wrong. We are certainly going to see where this goes. That’s the only thing to be certain of, is that we will see what happens in 2024, if whether doing the same thing that lost the past three elections suddenly gets them a different result. I can’t wait.


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  1. Wow SINO (Speaker In Name Only) McCarthy doesn’t project much does he.
    He obviously confused Biden and Hucka-sanders’ speeches.
    He must have been too busy trying to keep the toddlers quiet.
    Hey Kev, next time give them juice boxes and goldfish crackers before the speech.

  2. Did Kev actually listen to her tripe? Because fear-mongering is all she had to offer, besides her happy little trip to Iraq, which she totally mis-remembered. They say beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone, which is true of SHS and the rest of her right-winger hate-mongering squad. Ugly people, ugly thoughts.


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