This is really something. We have a sitting U.S. senator, who states his belief that in the event of “natural disaster” (uh, like an earthquake?) he believes that his fellow humans are going to devolve into a “gang” and hunt him down. But not to fear, Lindsey Graham has an AR-15 and he will shoot your ass, should you be so misguided as to approach his residence looking for a glass of water, or heaven forfend, leadership at a time of crisis. What, you think these guys get paid the big bucks to solve your problems or something? Linseed has no solutions, just bullets.

I don’t think Linseed is going to eat his dog, I think he’s going to eat his constituents. Damn. Survival of the fittest. Question is, fittest for what?

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  1. I’d hazard a guess that he’ll be that busy running to the bathroom at the thought of a bunch of angry citizens coming looking for him that he just won’t have the time to actually load his AR 15 (unless, of course, he’s breaking the law by keeping it loaded and NOT in a gun safe)

    • He was very, very upset when he was at the airport and people were harassing him. He had “turned” on Trump briefly, after the Capitol riot, and he got a lot of hell for that, so he turned back again. Linseed just parrots talking points. He has no principles, policies, any of those burdensome things.

      • IF Leningrad Lindsey has an AR-15, I doubt if he knows how to use it or even load it. I bet if you put one in his hands, he couldn’t hit any side of a barn from the inside!!

  2. In the late 50’s and early 60’s when everyone was worried about the Bomb and Cuba, etc. the Russians spewed propaganda about arming yourself because your neighbors would try to take your bomb shelter away from you. And here we are 60 years later with a Russian asset spewing the same garbage of a sort. History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes.

    • You remember that terrific Twilight Zone episode, where the neighbors all fought over the bomb shelter? That’s the image your comment evoked.

      • In the early sixties I was in fourth grade and we all had a bracelet with our name, address and religion engraved on the back. The front had some kind of coat of arms. The bomb drill consisted of us walking home to die with our family. This was in Memphis.

        I do remember that episode. However, the next year we moved and the new school had a model of a bomb shelter. I had an old radio that was left in the house we were renting. I could pick up transmissions from all over the place. That is where I heard these transmissions. Americans were scared shitless of the communist. Of course the Russians were probably scared of us, too.


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