It is truly a shame that Murfster and I have been laid low, relatively speaking, by our various afflictions, because there’s a wingnuttia movement sprouting up right here in our backyards, which is so worth getting involved with first hand. If my blood count wasn’t at a 9 and I wasn’t waiting to see the hematologist next week, I would absolutely drive out to Republican headquarters in Pahrump tonight and attend the meeting of the New Nevada State Movement, which is gearing up now that COVID-19 restrictions have loosened.

If you haven’t heard of these people they’ve been around since 2019 and their basic theory is that Clark County, being the main population center of the state, votes according to an “urban” mentality and that is disadvantageous to the “rural” folks. The solution to this problem is to amputate Sin City, make Clark County its own state and then the rest of the state will become New Nevada, Battle Born Again.

Nevada is called the Battle Born state because it achieved statehood during the Civil War and now it’s going to do it again, during this iteration of the Civil War. And born again has an evangelical wingnut resonance to it, so you see who we’re dealing with here.

When simply looking at a political map of the state of Nevada, with the color red showing counties that generally vote Republican and blue representing areas where Democrats hold the majority, one might assume that the state as a whole votes “red” but this would be misleading. Though the sections of “blue” on such a map would be quite tiny in comparison to the vast swathes of “red”, they are the population centers of Nevada. Thus, these “blue” patches are the controlling factor when it comes to the local outcome of statewide and federal elections, and it is this very fact that birthed a push to create a whole new state of the union, New Nevada. […]

Gaylord-Thomas [one of the group’s leaders] explained that movement to form a new state got its start after she and her husband, who she describes as refugees from California, moved to the Silver State in search of greater freedom.

“When we found out that liberty was being short-changed in Nevada, because the people in Clark County comprise a large majority of the state population and they vote the way urban people vote, and rural Nevada gets stuck living how urban people want to live, we decided to form a new state, as outlined in the Constitution of the United States, Article 4, section 3,” she stated. “Rural Nevada deserves to have equal footing.”

In other words, somehow it’s not fair that the majority of the people rule, which is, pardon me for saying, what democracy boils down to. Right? They want the minority to rule the minority, and so they’re going to split off from the majority and do that. What’s that you say? What kind of a tax base are they going to have to pay for anything, when this is a one horse economy and that horse is called Las Vegas? Duhhh……

But there is a solution. Greater Idaho might take them in. They can live in their own private Idaho, roll on the ground like a wild potato.

Here’s some data on the Greater Idaho movement, started by conservatives held captive in a blue state.

We promote the idea of creating a greater (bigger & stronger) Idaho so that conservative counties can become a part of a red state. We started from rural Oregon, but our movement now includes progressives and conservatives of northwestern Oregon who welcome a new, smaller Oregon, as well as Idahoans, Californians, and Washingtonians.

We explain why moving the Idaho border is a win-win for each decision-making body on our homepage.

We believe we do have a chance to convince Oregon to let these counties go because getting rid of a group of counties that have the same average income as Idaho would be a great boost to the Oregon state budget. State lines have been moved many times before.

We need to unite our neighbors around the idea of moving the border so that we can convince state legislators to stop holding rural Oregon counties captive in a blue state.  Voters in two counties voted in favor of this idea in November. Five more voted 62% in favor in May 2021. But we need your help.

And of course there’s always Texas looking to secede from the union with regularity, just like the swallows returning to Capistrano. Every ten years or so that movement gets riled up again, and laughed down just as quickly.

This New Nevada movement is pure MAGA grievance. In fact, their website has a section devoted to grievances.

Failure to provide a republican form of government

Nevada is governed by a rebellious government which has destroyed representative government through insecure elections.

Failure to provide rational taxation

The Nevada government has created a financial hardship in this State through excessive and irrational taxation including the Commerce Tax.

Failure to protect Second Amendment rights

The Nevada government and the current governor have created a Constitutional violation by infringing upon the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms as provided in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

What are your grievances?

What are my grievances? Well, I’ve been here nine months and there has been no ticker tape parade down Las Vegas Boulevard in my honor. I mean, what’s up with that?

Watch this video on both New Nevada and New California. If you think the other propositions are far fetched, Greater Idaho and New Nevada, they have a likelihood of success with comparison to how hopeless a fantasy New California is. The man speaking is Robert E. Thomas III, who founded the New Nevada movement along with his wife, and who filed a 13-page amicus brief seeking to overturn election results last December.

Strange breed of Republicans in this state, I can see that much.


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  1. They’ll have to find a way to sell it to Congress *and* to all the urban voters they hate (and who are paying for the services these areas can’t otherwise afford).

  2. This is…of course…a gerrymandering scheme, which you can’t carry out in a single state, but if you can break up states to put voters where you want them you can rig the Congress even more than it already is.

    Hard pass.

    • This just shows how far these republiQanons will go to get or keep their minority in power! They will say anything and do anything. Whats next, nuking urban areas so that they can turn blue states red?! OOOOPPPS I really shouldn’t give them any ideas!

    • Also, can I please point out a totally pertinent case study why this is a bad idea (from the 500+ case studies, lol). We just went through a pandemic. A massive issue here in California was the virus moving from eastern areas to the cities. And that was with a unified state government setting guidelines and forcing people to abide by them. If there was some deep red tea party trumper state on LA County’s doorstep, how many lives would have been lost as an unregulated population brought cases into urban areas?

      For that matter, do you think we’re going to allow a state with Texas-style gun laws to be formed a few miles from our cities? I can already see the stats on the carnage caused by loosely regulated guns flowing into urban areas from the Trump caliphate states.

      • We have enough trouble with the dipshits bringing in fireworks from elsewhere. The guy in South Central last week had, according to BATF, 16 TONS of pyrotechnics. The stuff that blew up the bomb squad truck was, they said, home-made (and looked like it, they did take photos before it went up) using, supposedly, flash powder, and the guy bought them from someone selling them out of the back of his car in a fireworks-dealer’s parking lot in Nevada. (He’s also being charged for child endangerment: his 10-year-old brother was living with him in that powderkeg.)

        • Tell me about it, my neighborhood is a war zone of illegal fireworks, lol. Last year we had them going off…no lie…from may to august 5+ nights per week. This year the Pasadena PD and FD went to war and when they start up it’s like 10 minutes before squad cars are here.

          • In 1983 we visited my Aunt who lived in Munich for the Christmas-New Year’s holiday. Shortly before midnight on New Year’s Eve, she said we should go up to the rooftop of he senior citizens’ high rise to watch the fireworks. We went up, joined a lot of her neighbors who were already there and looked around. We asked her which way to look. It was quiet. We thought that, like in the U.S., there would be a display from some one location that we should be prepared for. She said, oh no, everyone has fireworks and they use them between 11:45 and 12:15. She was right. EVERYONE started shooting them off promptly at 11:45 and EVERYONE quit promptly at 12:15! But, in between, there were fireworks going off from ground level between apartment buildings, from apartment balconies (sometimes bouncing off the balcony ceiling), from rooftops. Never seen anything like it, before or after! I don’t recall any lurid reports the next day of fires or injury. Imagine importing that approach here?

  3. So, in their rush to declare a “New Nevada” because evil Clark County helped Biden win, they’re really willing to ignore the OTHER county that contributed to Biden’s win? Biden won Washoe County by more than 12,000 votes but I suppose that doesn’t fit into the group’s narrative.

    Also, according to the results listed for the election on the Nevada 2020 Wiki page, the counties that Trump won provided Trump a grand total of 122,200 votes. Trump got more than 116,000 votes from Washoe County alone and, believe it or not, Trump actually got nearly 431,000 votes from the “evil” Clark County. That’s more than 3.5 times as many Trump votes in one single county than he got from the rest of the state (if you include the votes Trump got from Washoe County, then Clark County was still responsible for nearly 1 out of every 2 Trump votes in the entire state). And what of the more than 53,000 folks living outside Clark and Washoe counties who voted for Biden instead of Trump? Or the more than half a million Trump voters who live in Clark and Washoe counties? Do the GOPers backing this “New Nevada” stupidity think all those Trump supporters are going to want to leave their (presumably) comfortable lives and (presumably) valuable real estate to go to some backwater almost entirely rural area just because they share political ideals?

  4. Ursula, B12 shots cured my wife’s anemia. She would get down to 5 a lot of times. She had to have a transfusion about every 5 weeks. Her last transfusion was two years ago last month. They couldn’t match her antibodies anymore so they couldn’t guarantee the last transfusion wouldn’t kill her. One shot a day for a month then once a week then once a month. It worked.

    • I’m going in Monday to have my antibodies matched, then a transfusion on Tuesday. I was getting a good infusion in California before I left. I’m going to have the doctor here use the same stuff. He had some idea that what he was giving me was equivalent, but it wasn’t. If things get too weird, believe me I will mention the B-12 shots. Why didn’t your wife get infusions? That’s what they did with me.

  5. We get these wackos in Texas, they have been quiet recently with abbot working so hard to keep trump aroused. love the B 52’s reference.

  6. These are the same fucking idiots I have been dealing with in Northern California for 60 years now. Their IQ and their shoe size match. The bars have been closed too long and they think they are smart because they learned how to use a browser. Democracy never considered what would happen when this group figured out they could vote. And now we have to figure a way to deal with it.

  7. They’re b*ching because the libs are screwing them? I’m sorry, isn’t that what the ‘pubes/G.Q.P. does to our country every four years when the winner of the E.C. gets the white house despite NOT winning the popular vote? Isn’t that also what the ‘pubes are doing to congress with their ever-f*cking-lasting gerrymandering? It takes either a lot of balls or an incredible amount of stupidity to come up with this bull-sh*t.

    One other thing-has anyone seen the part of Nevada outside of Las Vegas and Reno? It is a poverty-stricken sh*t-hole. Just how do they propose to provide ANY state services when there is nothing to provide essential taxes for essential services?

    When I read stupidity such as this I am very tempted to say “f*ck ’em”. Let them leave and while they’re at it, leave the country. It isn’t as if they are adding an value to our nation. If all of the areas wanting to secede from the U.S. did so, they would soon look like a third world country because they have NOTHING to offer anyone. Let them leave and then fence them in-they like that sh*t.


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