A Politico reporter is on the edge of his chair, anticipating that a charging decision may be coming right down the pike. This is after Donald Trump’s usual ranting about prosecutorial misconduct because he’s upset over some fake document that is circulating on social media — as if the prosecution in Fulton County has anything at all to do with shenanigans on social media. (Note: this is a different document being talked about than the docket sheet that Reuter’s reported on, and on which we wrote a piece here.)

Fingernail biting time.

Check this out. These folks are in the mood, I mean in the mood. They know they’re waiting for something happy to happen.

And where’s Donald? Why, with cell phone in hand, and Truth Social booted up, I imagine. And Adderall near by. And the lawyers milling around. And Melania? We don’t know anything about where Melania is.

Felony convictions. Immune from federal pardon. Oh, speak of that, that do I long to hear. And a RICO conviction! What a flaming hoot this is going to be.

Yes, Trump will start fundraising on it immediately. But the January 6 indictment was the tipping point and now Georgia, on top of it, is going to change the political landscape dramatically.

History is being made. We’re going to watch Mango Mussolini’s explosive exit from politics. And standing over in the corner somewhere is Ron DeSantis, hoping that his moment in the sun is about to take place.


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  1. Well, that witness was right and his/her testimony wasn’t needed. Now we have to wait until the indictment is actually published. Hopefully soon. Probably before midnight eastern time. You folks out west should have some fun later. Folks like me will likely have to wait until morning to learn about it all. Of course, by then there will also be some time for analysis so at least I’ll wake up to that.

  2. Your “… History is being made…” Merits a ‘Wooohaahhhh!’ Yep, the Mango Moron is fast becoming a fuc*ed unit, period and, as you state, will petulantly bare naked his “… explosive exit from politics …” to one and all. Lastly, from all of us to you Fool Caps Don, your free ‘sex and travel’ ticket!.

  3. ‘Felony convictions. Immune from federal pardon.’

    Immune from federal pardon.

    So even if he gets back in, he remains a felon. No pardon possible.


  4. The indictment has come down. 19 individuals named in a RICO indictment. Not only has the shoe dropped, these a$$hats just got run over by a semi full of shoes.

    • YESSSSSSS!!!!! 41 counts, AT LEAST one RICO count against EACH DEFENDANT!!!!!


      (Now, where’s my happy dance emoji?)


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