Somebody run quick and check the weather report in Hell, there must be icebergs there again. Ken Buck is now the voice of reason. Yes, the same Ken Buck who used to sport the iconic teeshirt, “Kill ’em all, let God sort ’em out.” When it comes to the subject of Marjorie Taylor Greene, even the most extreme people can seem reasonable, because Greene pushes the envelope of normalcy straight into the shredder with each passing day.

Here is Ken Buck’s take on Marge literally spewing Putin talking points.

I can’t argue with a single word that Buck just said. Wow, Hell must be frozen over. And here’s what he’s responding to.

So much for Marge knowing what is going on. She is such an unbelievable creature. She’s got a thinly disguised rage which she fails to contain on occasion. You may remember her lashing out at a British reporter who asked her about Jewish space lasers and telling the reporter to “Fuck off.” She was livid with the woman and why? Marge made those statements, they’re on the record, and people will ask about those things. What good is raging at a reporter? That’s shooting the messenger mentality.

Here’s another example. You’ll love this. She’s bragging about her book sales.

You hear the rage in her voice. She hates the world. I don’t know what this woman was like before she found Congress, but Congress has become her outlet for channeling her disturbed personality. She craves media attention and makes sure that she has that at all times. She’s a professional troll. That’s her purpose. Her soul mate in that chamber was Lauren Boebert, until they had their famous falling out where Marge called Lauren, “A little bitch.” Some people are there to work and get laws made, other people are there to get on TV, plain and simple.

This woman is a danger to democracy. This now begs the point of whether Donald Trump might name her as his VP because Gawd knows, she is MAGA personified. That would be the hardcore MAGA ticket. And Trump would have somebody alongside him who is as crazy as he is, that’s for certain.

I personally think it would be a wonderful idea. It would take Marge out of Congress. She would probably run again and return, there is that downside, but for a few blessed years she would be out of our lives and off our screens and we would have some peace and quiet.

Marge would be a perfect running mate for Trump. She could scream and rant nonstop about stollen elections. And you know who else would approve? Vladimir. Do not take that factor lightly. Vladimir Putin would have the perfect dream team running for office. Then if he can just get enough fools to vote for that moron RFK, Jr., he would have a shot at making America a Russian colony.

There are talks about Putin wanting Alaska back. That’s just the beginning. He wants the whole enchilada and nothing would please him more than a Trump/Greene ticket.

You laugh now. We may be seeing this very thing in the not too distant future. Do not delude yourself, Putin has a say in who Trump will choose as his VP. Trump never has said one negative word about Putin or even insinuated that anything Putin has ever said or done was less than wonderful. Putin owns Trump. He clearly owns Marge. So, logically, maybe that’s how this will go.

And I hope and pray it does. Because Marge will be an unbelievable albatross around Trump’s neck. Marge has no power outside her own district and whatever media buzz she can generate on any given day. She is loathed on a national basis. But she is hard core MAGA and Putin certified, so maybe that will get her on the ticket.


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  1. ” but for a few blessed years she would be out of our lives and off our screens and we would have some peace and quiet.”

    Unless, Heaven forfend, they somehow squeeze a win. Heave can be helped by GTOV

  2. If this lady had walked into the locked psychiatric hospital…you can open the doors to come into the waiting area…security has to be given the ok to let you out…she would have been involuntarily committed due to being a danger due to severe delusional thinking. Until she could relate some semblance of rational thought she would remain on the unit. One common question: who is the current president of the United States. Raging to get out would only increases the length of stay. FACT.

  3. If dingle berry were to choose a female v.p., he’d choose arm candy and marjie kooky pants is anything but. Let’s face it women, in the world according to former guy, are accessories for men to be seen with and I’m pretty sure he would not want a kmart clutch around him any more than absolutely necessary.

  4. Margarine might want to check her stats a bit.

    According to Wikipedia, Ukraine’s population is 82% Christian and, oddly enough, the areas under current Russian control or designs are the LEAST religious areas of Ukraine (averaging around 57% considering themselves “religious”). Russia, on the other hand, can’t manage to get *polls* to indicate Christians make up more than 70% of the population (in 2012, only 47% of Russians identified as “Christian” while more recent polls range from 63% to 71%) while Islam may make up as much as 17% of the total population.

  5. My beloved husband bought me a “Jewish Space Laser Corps, Goyim Division.” Dad’s Mother was Jewish, but the other 3/4 of me is Irish.


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