Kari Lake is the Sidney Powell of right-wing candidates. She’s been trying to sell the stolen election scheme to the Arizona courts for almost a year now and she’s getting nowhere. She wrote a book, “Unafraid” which has been parodied as “Unelected.” Now she’s talking about running for senator. That’s being hailed by Governor Katie Hobbs as a good news/bad news kind of a thing. It’s dreadful news that Lake still wants to stay in politics. But….there is a silver lining.

Lake just won’t stop. She has invited these negative comparisons to Norma Desmond, as has her idol, Donald Trump. Oh, and Kari, I wouldn’t go telling all the John McCain voters not to vote for you. That’s kinda what got you in trouble the last time.

Here’s an editorial about Lake which is spot on:

Imitation is not just a form of flattery. These days it’s the sum of Lake’s existence.

She included a link asking for money. The grifting never stops.

Lake is waging an obvious bend-over-backward campaign to be Trump’s running mate should he win the 2024 Republican nomination. She’s a regular these days at Mar-a-Lago, and though Lake has yet to show up at mealtime in a sandwich board reading “PICK ME!!!” it’s still relatively early in the campaign season.

Self-abasement is one thing, however pathetic as it may be. Lake’s performance is not only sad; it’s dangerous, further eroding trust in our threatened democratic system with a fusillade of groundless attacks. As Richer put it in The Arizona Republic, she’s throwing “gasoline on the fire of falsehoods about our elections.”

Even more irresponsibly, Lake all but called for armed insurrection–as if one Jan. 6 wasn’t bad enough–following Trump’s indictment for his handling of classified documents.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me” and millions of Americans “just like me,” Lake told a crowd of Trump worshipers in Georgia, adding: “And … most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA.”

“That’s not a threat,” Lake said after issuing her threat. “That’s a public service announcement.”

The lunacy is strong with this one. And if Lake does run for the Senate, she may end up joining her right-wing brethren, namely Herschel Walker and Mehmet Oz in the loser’s circle.


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  1. If my dog had Kari Lake’s face I’d shave his arse and teach him to walk backwards……

    ……ugly woman, inside and out.

  2. That black and white movie segment nicely captures the essence of her madness.

    And her lunacy is becoming more obvious over time.

    • I love Sunset Boulevard. I wasn’t born the year it was released (1950) but I fell in love with it as a kid, again in college, and over the years for so many reasons — the last time because it reminded me of Trump and the other has beens.

  3. “And if Lake does run for the Senate, she may end up joining her right-wing brethren, namely Herschel Walker and Mehmet Oz in the loser’s circle.”

    Yeah, but didn’t both of those guys actually acknowledge they lost without demanding recounts or filing frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the results? If they behaved like Trump and Lake, I certainly don’t recall their getting that much coverage for *their* post-election antics.

  4. If not for the Rural Utah Project volunteers helping to register many thousands of Native Navajo, Apache and Hopis in Navajo & Apache Counties in NE Arizona, getting over the strict voter registration/suppression roadblocks and hurdles passed by the R-majority legislature in 2021 – I hate to think where Arizona would be right now with GOP-Nazi Party leader Kari Lake in full jack-booted thug control of all aspects of Arizona State government, instead of Hobbs.

    NAZIS like Lake make a huge mistake in selecting who they want their voters to be instead of allowing all voters to choose them. GOP-NAZI Party wimps throughout the country continue to erroneously believe the GOP-Nazi Party has a large plurality majority wherever they go, which fortunately, despite major propaganda help from large portions of mainstream media, is not the case.

    I hope Lake does run for Senate. If she makes it past NAZI Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb and wins the AZ R Primary August 6, 2024 – she will certainly be trounced by Ruben Gallego on November 5, 2024. Gallego is a strong well-liked D candidate to replace fake, bought off Kyrsten Sinema as the next new D Senator from Arizona.


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