Another day, another insight into how utterly repulsive Donald Trump is. This is interesting because once more we find out that a man who has characteristics which would disqualify him from working in an office, teaching school, practicing medicine, basically being in close proximity with other human beings, is being contemplated — again — for the highest office in our land.

This latest scandal exploded this past week when Adam Kinzinger quipped that it was common knowledge in Washington that Trump literally stank and said he was surprised that it wasn’t talked about more. And in truth, this is a story that keeps popping up from time to time and making the rounds. Here are some gory details.

Maybe we can do yet another sequel to Hairspray. Somebody get John Waters on the phone now, quick like a bunny. We may be onto a blockbuster.

I don’t know if the sound effects have been added. I share with you what I find. However, I will remind you of the time that Trump was photographed urinating publicly on one of his golf courses. He was out golfing with a group of eight, ten guys and he just took a whiz, right in front of them. Now, even amongst an all-male group, I think this is tacky. I think any normal guy would have gone apart from the group, but not Trump. No, he needed to pee so he peed, just like an animal. If you have a problem with him whipping it out in front of you and watering the grass, tough. And I daresay that anybody who spends a lot of time around him knows that this is what to expect and just who he is. If you didn’t catch this clip yesterday, here it is again.

I shared the fake Woodward tweet because you will see it. It is unfortunately fake, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t true that Trump stinks. Only that Bob Woodward didn’t do this tweet.

Now once again I point out that Team Trump is not doing anything to deny these claims. That could be because the truth is an absolute defense to defamation. If these people, Noel Casler, Kathy Griffin, Adam Kinzinger, etc. were sued, then they could build a defense based on other people who were there at the same time and place and Trump may not be willing to open up that can of worms.

I keep waiting for Trump to explode on Truth Social over this but so far he hasn’t. He’s far more obsessed with the 14th Amendment and how well he’s doing in Iowa. Good. Those are bigger fish by far, go ahead and fry them. But knowing this man’s ego and vanity, I do find it surprising that he hasn’t addressed this issue. Let’s see what happens the rest of the weekend.

That will be our Christmas surprise, “Will Trumpty address accusations that he physically stinks, as well as morally and intellectually?” I wonder which gift he’ll give us: 1. Silence or 2. An insane meltdown.


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  1. I’m not one to do this kind of cutting down of people – but hmmmmmm 45 has done so much damage to others. 45 smells is a good meme. It’s gonna drive him bonkers! He’s gonna do anything he can to counter this – that’s good. Keep him occupied with his smell and maybe he’ll leave others alone (one can wish – right?)

  2. I wonder if his smell is a symptom of one of his medical conditions. Diabetic ketosis for instance, has a distinctive smell, I once suggested to a friend that she get her husband checked because of what I smelled in his office and sure enough…
    other conditions have their own smells. Recent brain damage makes the breath smell like a mouse nest.
    But of course a lot of it is simple incontinence, I am too well acquainted with that smell from my decades as a CNA.

  3. Wow! Bob Woodward really sunk his character assassinating ‘Winklepicker’ all the way up to the laces. Go Bob, go! Don’t stop till you hear the Board Room groan.

  4. Bet he doesn’t shower daily or use deodorant. Some people just have stronger-smelling sweat than others,without medical.issues. And he very likely has some G. I. problems as discussed above.

    Compound this with spray tan and hairspray, and you have a,recipe for u pleasant stench.

    Or maybe he is rotting from the soul outward, since demonic I gestation often includes the scent of rot. Anyone know a good exorcist?

  5. Neither Micheal Cohen nor Mary Trump has said anything about his smell….both would be familiar. If it’s true, they can’t be defaming him….doesn’t matter to me if it’s true or not. I think it’s HILARIOUS!


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