This isn’t the first time this cockeyed argument has been put forward, that the coronavirus pandemic is something that fiendish Democrats cooked up in a lab in order to defeat Donald Trump. Now you would think that the idea would fall apart after the most cursory thought process, because the pandemic is world wide. Why oh why would foreign countries agree to tank their economies and kill off their citizens in order to interfere in American politics? We don’t have an answer for that. Somehow the MAGAs are oblivious to the obvious.

The latest to spew this particular lie is none other than GOP candidate for Arizona governor Kari Lake, a full-on QAnon proponent.

“They” “made this entire thing happen.” This is the kind of mind that would take over the reins of power in Arizona. Poor Arizona. If there is one state right now, with the possible exception of Texas, which is overrun with loony legislators and even loonier candidates, it is the Grand Canyon State. Where else do you see the likes of Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Wendy Rogers, Kari Lake, and God love us, Ron Freaking Watkins, running for reelection or a first time office?

Think about it for a moment, these people make Martha McSally look dignified. Say what you will about McSally, at least you didn’t hear a peep out of her about how she really won the election.

I wonder if Kari Lake was the least bit annoyed at her recent visit to Mar-a-Lago when Trump got up to laud her praises, at least that was the plan, and then did nothing but talk about his long lost election?

You would think that the same tired material would get old after a while but you would be wrong. I think it’s safe to speculate that Trump’s last word, spoken from his death bed will be “fraud” or maybe “fake.” Think of Charles Foster Kane dropping the snow globe and saying, “Rosebud” and you’re there. Trump will take this to the grave. He’s too small a man to just let it go and walk away. Not when he lost, not now, not ever.

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  1. Anyone who still thinks that the former guy will praise them when he’s in front of an audience is a *very* slow learner. In his universe, audiences exist only to applaud *him*.


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