This won’t take long. I just posted a rather lengthy article about the sudden but almost predetermined implosion of Trump’s ego and self respect thanks to the multiple E Jean Carroll judgements finding him personally responsible for his own actions for a change. And how this was intolerable to Trump’s own perception of his whole value and self worth.

But as I reread the article to proof it, I became aware of something else that didn’t fit neatly into the previous article itself. And that is that Trump himself literally  sowed the seeds of his own ego implosion.

Let’s just look at recent business criminal activity. Did Bernie Madoff ever take to the airwaves to promulgate his investment brilliance, and direct solicit suckers? Of course he didn’t, he let normal stock market chatter do that. Did Ivan Boesky? No. Did Leona Helmsley or Martha Stewart brag about their sleazy tax crimes? Of course not.

But you know who did brag about his chicanery, publicly while he was in the middle of it? Former GOP lobbyist and power player Jack Abramoff. He ended up in federal prison for trying to scam native American tribes for casino licenses.

Donald Trump is solely and totally responsible for the miserable state of affairs that he now finds himself in. Because with his infantile desire for attention and media approbation, he drew almost ceaseless attention to what he was doing.  Which was the kiss of death for Trump.

This worked just fine while Trump was just some sh*t for brains schmuck that wasn’t really worthy of either the New York media or the New York cops and prosecutors who fo9und him not worth the time or effort. He could have happily played in that pond without much risk.

But Trump had to let his ego get the better of him and get elected President. And then all the bets were off. Because the national media, who had spent decades treating El Pendejo Presidente for the ass clown he was, started digging. And not just on his shenanigans as President, but everything he had done all the way back to the womb. And Trump became the most investigated and vilified President in history.

It was Trump’s almost infantile craving for attention and self gratification that led him to push himself forward into the media at every opportunity, And in the end it was the media, along with brave souls like E Jean Carroll who finally brought it all down around his ears. And now the dumb sumbitch can’t figure out what went wrong. Stupid, thy name is vanity.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. I often think those who say Trump decided to run, actually run for President the night President Obama roasted him at the WH Correspondent’s dinner. Rather than the whole thing I’ll show a two minute clip of some key moments because even with the poor lighting of Trump in it you can see from his expression how hard he’s fighting to maintain control. The hatred rolling off Trump is palatable. He HATES being made fun of and a crowd of the most influential journalists were laughing their asses off. At HIM. Obama was everything he never was. An average person who went on to great accomplishments. Talller than him. Better looking. WAY smarter. Articulate. All kinds things for Trump to hate Obama for being because he was not. And FUNNY. Worse, Trump knew damn well Obama had a sense of humor and could take a joke – and laugh at himself when someone got in a good zinger. Hell, he watched Obama good-naturedly endure a bunch of them before Obama, as is traditional took the podium for the closing round of jokes.

    Watch below. Tell me as you look at Trump’s reaction his vile, racist mind was thinking something along the lines of “Who the fuck do you think you are you uppity n****r making fun at ME. In front of all these people! I will get even with you if it’s the last thing I do. No matter what. No matter the cost. NO ONE makes fun of me like you’re doing, not even in private. If I have to destroy myself in the process of destroying you by god I’ll do it!”

    You know what Murf? You’re absolutely right. Perhaps, since that night at least the only obsession Trump has had that’s more intense than his sick desire to fuck Ivanka has been his desire to “get” Obama. And the only way to do it he decided was to become President. Not that he ever thought he’d actually win but he’d at least have been able to launch what for a while would have been a media platform that would give him a huge megaphone to trash Obama. But when he realized he’d won he had actual chances to trash, if not destroy Obama’s legacy and accomplishments. So take a look folks at Trump’s face and tell me anything I said is wrong:

    • In that clip, one could also see how Trump’s revenge embers were being fanned, not by the most excellent Obama, but by the malodorous mango’s own puffed-up sense of entitlement. It’s plausible that Obama’s roasting helped Trump first appreciated just how out of depth and infantile he is, and what he’s in for, in the future – that realisation helped get his revengeful and reptilian instincts careening towards overdrive.

      • Nobody can say that Obama’s not the coolest of customers. But watch what’s really going on here. The mos important thing is that Obama starts it off with a slap at the “birther” charges. To Trump this fakery was a master-stroke of his own genius and would become one of the main themes for his whole racist dog-whistle campaign. Obama’s raising this was entirely justified and everybody in the audience knew it. All the jokes after that are just footnotes to illustrate Trump’s “genius”. Sure, it was all done in the traditional roasting style, but it was personal from the start. Obama coolly drew a dagger against Trump’s bullshit. So yeah, it’s true that Trump has no sense of humor, but Obama’s shtick, although delivered with impeccable comic style and timing, wasn’t just humor. So while it’s probably true that it motivated Trump to run against Obama, it’s also true that Obama was in effect saying, before the eyes of millions, “come on you stupid fucker, you really think you can beat me?

        think you can beat me?

  2. it always seemed to this one observer that the.mainstream media gave Trump almost a free pass. Some smaller outlets did dig, but probably lacked the resources to dig all the way down. We are learning more now (for instance, the seemingly fictional $50 million loan he gave himself, and used to avoid taxes just announced by his conservator). I would make no bets, though, on how deep and far the corruption runs.

    • All of us who grew up in NY and those that still live there KNEW IT ALL ALONG and tried to tell everybody (except for Staten Island, which might as well be Mississippi!). Few of you were listening.

      Look, I’m 78 years old, almost as “young” as drumpy!!! I grew up in Queens, like he did. Sorry about that… I left NYC in 1975 for work overseas then California and now here in beautiful British Columbia.

      But us NYers knew he sucked big time for a long time.

      And getting into his piggy bank is the best way to start to really hurt him.

        • Another New Yorker here, from Manhattan’s Upper East Side (a working class neighborhood “gentrified” out of existence by “developers” like Drumpf), turning 79 in a couple weeks, married to a Bronx girl. We also knew how big a phony he is, and after laughing at his ads for overpriced shoddy merchandise, useless “university” courses, spending all of 20 minutes at one of his overrated Atlantic City casinos over numerous gaming daytrips, and recognizing “The Celebrity Apprentice” for what it was, we thought everyone else understood the truth about him…..

          HOO HAH, was THAT ever a mistake!!!

    • If he opens his mouth he is usually lying,especially if it starts up.with a grown man with tears in his eyes, saying “Sir..”

  3. Oh, yah, you betcha! Even a mental midget like Trump knew that no one who wants to be, or is, Prez can fly under the radar. He knew the from his BS birtherism that even total nonsense about the Prez will have every other pol and journalist and pundit and crank and all their children and a few pets looking up the ass of the most powerful person in the world!! Trump knew it and in the case of Obama, he counted on it!! Melania knew it and she cried on election night 2016 because she knew it was gonna happen to her, too!! But…hubris goeth before a fall…that part of the story has been fun for me as I watch!! Yee haw!! 🤠🍿


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