So much for drumpf’s delay tactics, U.S. District Judge Lewis F. Kaplan has denied the Mango Mussolini’s attempt to stay the jury’s $83,000,000 judgement in the E. Jean Carroll case and either immediately post bond (with interest) or pay Ms. Carroll her money:


“US District Judge Lewis F. Kaplan has denied former President Donald Trump a stay in paying his eight-figure civil judgment to writer E. Jean Carroll in a Thursday ruling. This means Trump now has no other option but to immediately post the judgment bond plus interest, or simply pay the judgment outright.

Politico legal reporter Kyle Cheney tweeted an excerpt of Judge Kaplan’s ruling on Thursday, in which he remarked specifically on Trump’s strategy to delay and postpone accountability at every opportunity.

“Mr. Trump’s current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions,” Kaplan wrote. “He has had since January 26 to organize his finances with the knowledge that he might need to bond this judgment, yet he waited until 25 days after the jury verdict — and only shortly before the expiration of Rule 62’s automatic 30-day stay of judgment — to file his prior motion for an unsecured or partially secured stay pending resolution of post-trial motions.”

“His present application for a temporary administrative stay is denied,” he added.

In other words “Pay up, deadbeat.”

Former NY prosecutor Tristan Snell and his crew had some fun with this over at the X place…


Sign me up for a 10 spot.












Not even the Supremes can get him out of this mess.

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  1. You’ve danced the night away, but now it’s time to pay the band and this time the band has unlimited resources and ain’t taking IOUs……Lardass.


  2. You say the supreme corrupt…I mean court, cannot bail him out this time but they have already ignored the 14th amendment to keep his ass on the ballot. so why not ignore laws and/or the rest of the constitution outright? If trump were to ask the s.c. to review this I’m not so sure they wouldn’t just step in and butt-f*ck Ms. Carroll, the State of NY, the State of GA. It’s not just that the s.c. is corrupt (it is) but it’s out of control as well. The s.c. needs reformation and damned quickly–they are on schedule to truly screw the U.S. and five or six of them will take great pleasure in doing so.

  3. Kaplan’s order reminds me of an exchange from one of former cop Joseph Wambaugh’s books about an exchange between a pimp and a stern judge. The pimp was found to have slapped around one of his gals, and the judge fined him several hundred dollars (quite a bit at the time the book was written) and the pimp showed some attitude saying “Shee-it judge. I got that much in my puck-et!” and smiled. The judge smiled right back and said “Okay. Now reach in that other ‘puck-et’ and give me thirty days.”

    That’s basically what’s just gone down. Trump saying “I’m really, really rich and you can trust me to pay if I lose my appeal.” And the judge saying “Sure, and the check is in the mail and you won’t cum in someone’s mouth. Put up or shut up. Pay the bond of pay Ms. Carrol but you’re out of time so fork it over. NOW!”

    Trump’s reaction when he got the news must have been a sight to see. Too bad Orban wasn’t there to witness it. Might have made him think twice about cozying up to Trump. Same with Elon Musk or anyone else who’s thought about helping him out. Seeing it would make them realize in no uncertain terms that even if they loaned him the money they’d never see one cent of it back. And they damn sure know his word on any favors isn’t worth a damn! They’d all wonder it they really wanted to piss away THAT much money. For nothing. I kind of doubt it but I could be wrong.


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