I don’t know if Donald Trump Jr. snorts cocaine or not, but there is simply too much photographic and video evidence out there to not conclude that he has a passing acquaintance with recreational drugs of some sort.

Special K is not just a breakfast cereal, folks.

Be that as it may, the way to convince folks that you do not snort cocaine is not to half-incoherently deny it while issuing a primal “aawkk” mid-sentence exactly as one would if he were experiencing a Johnstown-flood-level sinus evacuation.

But you do you, Jr.

That’s mean and I love it.



Exhibit B.

Well they believe your dad is King Cyrus so and Hunter goes to Rudy’s favorite IT guy so…










I have no idea.

Tell us another, Donnie. This is too much fun.

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  1. Proof positive that this Trump clan, in all intents and purposes, cannot get through 24 hours without telling a porky, along with doing something criminal or unlawful.

  2. As someone who has snorted a few lines in the past…it’s a nervous habit to keep cleaning the tip of your nose and nostrils to be sure some snow isn’t hanging around on the outside where everyone would know you just hoovered up a line. The mustache makes it necessary, as it increases the chances there’s pixie dust for all to see. The other reason for poor folks is it’s so damn expensive, no one wants to waste any. Of course, the talking beard doesn’t have to worry about the expense since there’s charities to steal from. The videos of him constantly pulling on his beak makes him a liar just like dear old dad.



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