A part of Joe Biden’s Christmas Message WhiteHouse.gov:

There is a certain stillness at the center of the Christmas story.  A silent night when all the world goes quiet and all the glamour, all the noise, everything that divides us, everything that pits us against one another, everything — everything that seems so important but really isn’t, this all fades away in stillness of the winter’s evening. 

And we look to the sky, to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child — a child Christians believe to be the son of God; miraculously now, here among us on Earth, bringing hope, love and peace and joy to the world.

Just beautiful.

Summed up as less poetic. The world stops because we Christians believe in the birth of a child who is the son of God. It’s a miracle that he joined us on Earth, bringing hope, love, peace, and joy to the world. It sounds like a wonderful Christian message to me. It sounds like one I would hear in church, and not one person would be upset that “Jesus Christ” wasn’t used in the paragraph.

But some people want to be mad, even during the special Christmas period when we’re supposed to abandon all that animosity and anger. John Schneider, whose claim to fame is being either Bo Duke or the other one (I mostly remember Daisy, as all 12-13-year-old boys at the time do), is really mad – because he wants to be mad – that Joe Biden didn’t say “Jesus Christ” and that Biden didn’t say that Christ was his personal lord and savior and that he (Biden) would lead this country by Jesus’s principles.

I don’t believe that Biden has missed church in years and years. I suspect he actually does lead this country under the principles and personal ethics he’s learned through his faith. But Schneider knows better. Ask him:

I suspect Joe Biden feels just fine about meeting his maker.

It would be interesting to know what Schneider was thinking about when Daisy pranced around in the shortest of shorts form-fitting around her bottom. This is a question for another day, not this silent one where we come together as “humanity.”
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK

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  1. Having studied under Biblical scholars that taught at Princeton, I can say unequivocally he’s full of donkey shit. Funny how a huge swath of our citizens think they are ‘experts’, on ‘God’, which is blasphemy in and of itself. Jesus clearly stated, according to people who wrote it down many decades later, what the two greatest commandments are. They start with the word ‘love’.

    • Beautifully said.

      I have recently had to embrace faith bc, let’s just say, I had an intercession that removed ALL doubt, and it wasn’t a good one.

      Whether one believes in Jesus in a religious sense or even an athiest, one can read his works and see that he was the original liberal progressive. The only time he was with the rich and wealthy it was at the Temple where he went shit-storm insane throwing their tables over. Etc.

      • In 1973 I had an experience that no one would believe if I told them and decided to major in religion at Carolina because of it. I get it. I was like the detective in Constantine. Although I attended one of the oldest methodist churches in NC, I read a lot of Alan Watts, eastern philosophies, etc. In the movie, she was arguing with Constantine that people were evil whereas he was talking about the supernatural…the world behind the world. She told him: I don’t believe in the devil. He replied: that’s too bad. He certainly believes in you. Most people have no clue what real darkness is and what exists there, and they shouldn’t want to find out. Our time here is short. Very very short compared to eternity. We all have choices to make and it’s a mistake to believe they don’t matter. They do.

  2. Lord knows Hollywood left him behind decades ago so I guess this was the only way to make people, anyone, pay even the slightest bit of attention to him. Pretty pathetic. I’d say it is a real come-down but having seen that brain-dead show all of one time, I don’t think he could sink any lower.

    • These are not just Schneider’s personal beliefs, they are standard anti-Catholic dog whistles used by Evangelicals for centuries. Honk if you caught that.

  3. I do wish the even jellies would stop and think (but that requires a functioning brain)

    ‘Son of God’ is a lot more accurate than ‘Jesus Christ’, For a start that was not His given name – that would have been Yeshua bar Yosef (‘Christ’ is an appellation from the Greeks meraning ‘anointed’)

    He would have spoken Aramaic – not early 17th Century English. As a rabbi he would have been literate (at least) in Hebrew and possibly also understood Latin and Greek – but in NO way would he have spoken English of any variety, so please leave off with the archaic words – His langiuage would havebeen the colloquial for the time.


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