Ron DeSantis is far too brilliant and far too “America Firster” ever to be elected to the White House. He went to Yale for undergrad and did extremely well while leading the D-1 baseball team in hitting. He did well enough at Yale to get into Harvard Law. He then became a Naval Officer in the JAG Corps (Something I deeply regret passing up). And as I’ve said many times before, he’s a brilliant actor, hiding the sophistication and brilliance because one cannot be seen as sophisticated and brilliant while hoping to be voted in by MAGAs.

That’s what I thought. But then John Oliver, in an eight-minute all-time takedown of anyone, Oliver explained a very DeSantis-sounding anecdote. Apparently, as a dating college kid, maybe even into law school (dear God, I hope not), DeSantis loved Thai food. Well, who doesn’t? Coconut milk, perfectly mixed with curry, can make anything taste good. But DeSantis didn’t pronounce it right, calling it “thigh food.” And then here is where we really learn something about DeSantis, when the woman corrected him, he A) thought she was wrong, and B) ended the date because he didn’t like being corrected by women.

That is just one example of the many stories Oliver tells to paint a picture of a man that Fox is literally trying to lift into office. Over three months, DeSantis was on Fox 103 times, which equates to an average of once a day. At one point, the producer trying to book DeSantis promised to let him choose the topic. Oliver delivers a scathing line about DeSantis being seen as “all the Trump, but none of the baggage,” saying yes, that’s true, but it’s like saying, “the new restaurant down the road is better than this chicken pot pie that just fell on the sidewalk. It is true but conveys no information.”

This riff is a “must-see” because not only do we learn a lot about DeSantis but it’s laugh-out-loud (truly) funny.

Yessss. Past it around.
[email protected], [email protected], SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO


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  1. He’s an arrogant nazi enabled by our culture of soundbites and hypocrisy. Hey Goebbles had a PhD. Succeeding in a closed system, like educational institutions or the military, with clear rules and procedures for ‘success’, doesn’t mean you are smart. Embracing a nazi/white grievance philosophy that fosters civil war, ignoring the science of vaccines, and promoting a false narrative of history is not a sign of intelligence. Especially at this juncture where climate change, brought about by the greed of the fossil fuel industry, threatens the survival of the goddamn human species.That is suicidal lunacy not intelligence. Fuck that arrogant sack of shit and every idiot that voted for him.


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