John Cornyn Tweets Uvalde Cops Should Not Be Criticized Because “split second” Decisions Are Hard, Responses Are Brutal.


No one has ever accused Texas Senator John Cornyn of being the smartest cookie in the jar, his Twitter feed is a cesspit of racist invective, conspiracy theory nonsense and just utter stupidity as the following example demonstrates, a looney toon suggestion that Joe Biden isn’t really in charge because he doesn’t tweet enough horse shit and make off the cuff remarks that threaten our National Security and 70 year alliances like the former guy was wont to do:

And who can forget the time he thought it wise to quote Mussolini, implying I suppose, that his mild mannered Democratic opposition aspired to a fascist dictatorship:

And then there was that time he asserted Chinese folk aren’t Asians and eat bats as an explanation for Covid…

And, if all that was not stupid enough for his Texas constituency, yesterday he tweeted that Law Enforcement in Uvalde Texas, who waited more than seventy minutes to confront a gunman who was murdering children, were being “unfairly” criticized because they had to make harrowing “split second” decisions:

The responses were swift and brutal.
Historian Kevin Kruse opted to state the obvious, hoping, I suppose to penetrate the Senator’s boney head:

Other were equally to the point:

Some opted to use pictures, probably doubting Corn’s ability to read and comprehend the written word.

And my favorite:

But perhaps this tweeter best explains Cornyn’s intent in issuing this piece of flackery, because a Senator can’t possibly be as stupid this, can he?????

On the other hand perhaps he is.

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