So much of what comes out of right-wingnuttia these days is bad dystopian sci fi. The problem is that there are a lot of people who believe that what they hear on right-wing media is real. It truly boggles the mind but there you have it. If January 6 taught us anything, it taught us that.

Here is a right wing nut job pastor who claims to have very high connections in the political world. He also claims that the military doesn’t take orders from Joe Biden. Really.

I can’t imagine this guy “jet setting” with “some of the biggest players in the political game” but maybe I’ve been missing something.

“There’s not one person in the military that will tell you that they’re taking orders from Joe Biden.” What’s that you say? Didn’t President Biden order the Air Force to bomb some Iranian targets in Syria earlier this month? And what about leaving Afghanistan? Oh, voice of reason, you wouldn’t last five minutes writing copy for anybody in wingnuttia. They just don’t deal with pesky real world facts, they’re too busy making it up on the fly.

Biden in the Pentagon, looking to be talking to Lloyd Austin, I believe. I’m not sure because of the mask.

I don’t think political pundit is the right term, I think propagandist and professional liar is more descriptive.

Again, and I will keep saying it, we need to keep tabs on these people because a certain number of Americans are listening to this indoctrination and thinking it’s real. That’s how we got January 6 and that’s how we got MAGAs with pipe bombs trying to blow up DNC headquarters. This is where it starts. This is the source. Once you realize that these are the people giving the MAGAs and the QAnoners their news and information it all starts to make sense.



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  1. WOW, this guy is on a different level, SO outrageously stupid, verbally amplifying easily dis-proved, non-facts and expects, WHAT?

    The General that has been in the trenches against the blithering idiot Trump, should show up at this dink’s place with a couple of tanks and fly-overs, knock on his door and mention …

    “I want to have a little chat with you before we haul your ass to jail for disrespect of our president’s office, the flag and the military unity”

    It could scare him straight and a number of other false nay-sayers could get the public message as well … Biden IS the president and has already been working with the military, this guy has been smoking the wrong stuff … or eating sugar cubes with magic colors that appear …

  2. As someone who has lived in TN (incubator chamber for the new Delta surge of COVID) for over 30 years, I can say with authority that this rhetoric is par the freaking course for pretty much all my life. The only difference between then and now is that now has life or death consequences attached to it.

      • You bet your ass I’m vaxxed, Pfizer. As soon as it opened up for people in my age bracket in the spring, I got both shots. The irony is there were so few doing the same at the time, I was able to get appointments quickly. Still, with as many folks who keep acting like it’s all over, I’m still masking, still hunkering down. It’s a perfect petri dish for a new variant. Be damned if I’m gonna let this state’s stupidity get me at the finish line.

        • I got the Pfizer shots at the Durham VA back in March. The complex (two apt. buildings, as well as sets of garden apts. and townhomes) only recently started having activities allowed in common areas again. I haven’t attended any and don’t plan to, at least for a long, long time. I know for a fact that we we have people like you and me in my building, we’ve also got hard core Trump fans. But even beyond that I would still have continued wearing a mask when outside my apartment. I still wear disposable gloves when using the laundry room, and carry a sanitary wipe when I go to the mailbox in the alcove or outside – to press the button that activates the doors (or open it myself when they don’t work) and so on. I also keep a tube of them in my car because if I go into a convenience store, or to the grocery store I don’t want to touch the door handles directly. And I take a couple of fresh ones into the grocery store because the containers there are too frequently empty of store provided wipes. And I’ve watched a lot of staffers “sanitize” cart handles and their efforts are a fucking joke.

          For all the talk about a breakthrough infection from the Delta variant being relatively mild I am old enough and with enough medical issues I’m not taking any chances I don’t have to.

          No one should. Things have gotten better, but this shit isn’t over. Not by a long shot. And with the level of free-DUMB resistance to getting vaccinated that’s out there I think the odds are we’ll see something nastier than the Delta variant that’s causing the increase in infections and deaths.

          So, for what it’s worth I say if you have friends you KNOW are like you and have been vaccinated and like you wear masks and still practice safety protocols in general it’s okay to get together. Preferably outside since it’s summer. But in general I say people should stick to what they did during the height of the pandemic and protect themselves.

      • It can still “get you”. It just is unlikely to kill you and if perchance you do get ill you oughtn’t have as severe symptoms as those without.

  3. I have to agree with “Johnnie Knuckles.” It’s about time the Feds get back to cracking down on political propaganda coming from “religious” persons. From leading cardinals in the American Catholic church “suggesting” that pro-choice Catholic politicians be denied Communion (Pope Francis has made the Church’s stance on the death penalty fairly clear but you don’t hear too much chatter against pro-death penalty Catholics being denied Communion so that kind of puts lie to the American church’s leaders position against pro-choice Catholics failure to heed Church doctrine and policy) to right-wing “preachers” openly endorsing politicians from the pulpit, it’s time to tell these folks, “You want to be openly political and play partisan politics, then you can start paying taxes and following job and employment requirements, especially in NON-ministerial positions; otherwise, butt the hell out of politics as your tax-exempt status REQUIRES.”

    I know there are a fair number of liberal/progressive pastors/priests/ministers out there who are politically active but I’m unaware of ANY of them playing the same kind of partisan politics we see from certain members of the Catholic Church as well as most “evangelical” ministries. The law allows members of the clerical side of the faith community to speak, and take stands, on SUBJECTS (abortion, gay rights, death penalty, etc) but it does NOT allow them to openly–or even covertly or subliminally–endorse OR oppose specific politicians.

    I know it’s unlikely to happen, especially as courts have become more right-wing (I won’t deign describe them as “conservative” because that’s a blatantly incorrect term) and have been far more willing to let the right-wing religious groups not just skirt the law but freaking dance on the law’s proverbial grave.

    • They’ve been allowed to advocate on “issues”, but yeah, when they start talking candidates and “the right way to vote is” – they’re over that line.
      (One of the reasons so many have bookstores and coffee shops on church property is they don’t have to pay as much in taxes as if they were elsewhere being real businesses.)

  4. I’ve always felt like churches should pay something in taxes to help cover the infrastructure that they use. When they get too mouthy about political issues, yank away their tax exempt status. We have an Alliance Church in this town that has bought up a number of properties and buildings on the northside of downtown. They seem to have a lot of cash. They should be taxed.


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