Jill Biden did an appearance on Jake Tapper’s show. In any normal world, it would have been a lightweight exchange of ideas between a prospective First Lady and a journalist on a Sunday morning, pre-election. This exchange was noteworthy for two reasons: first, it is so remarkable and refreshing to hear an intelligent, articulate woman put together sentences again, after the inscrutable and strictly ornamental Melania has been our titular First Lady. Secondly, whatever gaffes Biden has made, pale in insignificance to the blithering idiocy of Donald Trump.

If the airports of 1775 or a “gun on every table” have slipped your mind, walk down memory lane. Every president makes a few gaffes. Obama slipped once and said something about “52 states.” He also put the wrong date in a guest book at Buckingham Palace. To err is human, etc., but what Trump is doing is not error. This is madness.

The dictionary should put a picture of Trump next to the word “gaffe.”

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  1. You know, of the last four Republican presidents the only one that looked normal was Bush, Sr. The other three each had their own form of stupid. Republicans like to have politicians they can feel superior to? Look down on? Or do they just not know any better?

  2. Next month will see a re-launch of ‘Spitting Image’. For those who never sawhe original, it was a Brit marionette programme which attacked (viciously in some cases) politicians. One well-remembered sequence which ran for weeks ‘starring’ Ronald Reagan’ was “The president’s brain is missing”. A trailer for the new series includes Bojo the Brit, Don John and Vlad Putin.


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