This is rich. This proves, without any room for doubt or hesitation, that J.D. Vance is a MAGA performance artist just like the rest of them. Stefanik, Mace, Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, the rest of the pack can’t hold a candle to Vance. Also this proves that if the Sunday political shows just simply cut a mic, in essence de-platforming these clowns, that’s the way to handle it.

Vance is quite the character. He started out as a kid in Kentucky from an impoverished home and his nurse mother was a drug addict. He grew up and went to Yale School Of Law. It formed the premise for a biography and a film. The film, in all candor, Hillbilly Elegy, is the worst film that Ron Howard ever made. It got scathing reviews and deservedly so. I now find myself wondering if the film didn’t end way too soon. The story of J.D. Vance is not of overcoming a challenged childhood, it is in becoming a lawyer trained in the best schools and then selling the Constitution and the rule of law down the river in service to the worst president these United States has ever known. A sequel, maybe?

Isn’t that a wonder? Now we have Stephen Miller and J.D. Vance on the same page, wonder of wonders. Maybe not. Maybe it should have been obvious to us where Vance was really coming from, same as Stefanik. They don’t believe in the rule of law, they just want power at any cost and right now it looks like they both see riding the Trump train as the means to that destination.

The reason Vance gets up and spews this stuff is to pollute the political ground waters. Make no mistake about what this is. Vance is setting the stage for Trump Coup II. He’s normalizing the abnormal, he’s serving up a bastardized version of the Constitution, so that when the time comes, Vice President Vance (in his dreams) will be assuring the world that all is well, as Trump eats his hamberders and watches cable TV news.

And don’t think that Vance and Elise Stefanik aren’t rehearsing all these power scenarios. There is no reason, from listening to these people, to assume that they wouldn’t pull a coup d’etat and normalize and justify martial law, whatever outrage Trump came up with. And who knows? Maybe Trump has spoken with all of them privately and said, “Audition. Show me who I should pick as VP. Show me who’s going to have my back, who’s going to smooth the way. You think Dick Cheney had power? That’s nothing compared to what I’ll give you.”

I seriously wouldn’t be surprised. In fact, I would be more surprised if it comes out later that Trump did not have these kinds of conversations with Tim Scott, Vance, Stefanik, et al.

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  1. Tim Ryan distanced himself from Biden while seeking reelection. That’s politics, and Biden knows it. The DNC punished Ryan by not supporting him. Assuming Manchin loses to Jim Justice 5his cycle, we will have Sen Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. And 4 more years of Vance.

  2. It really made my morning when Stephonopoulos said thank you for coming and cut off his mike when he kept trying to spewing his bs. More interviewers need to do the same more often when they start shoveling Trump’s crap. They really need to stop trying to let them appear normal and acceptable, for our country’s sake!!!

  3. As my wife and I sat there with hot coffee and a warming fire, I was mentioning to the wife that somebody needs to get that asshole out of the studio, because he was starting to say horrible things on the sly, then, suddenly, there was a short hiccup in the sound, with George going to a thankfully started commercial break in the control room …

    George and crew need to blackball the bs merchant on the ABC Network and pass that gas on to other channels … There is NO WAY that clown should EVER be invited to speak in a public venue like THIS WEEK … Trump is definitely on the way out, if the Marshals get to him before the Devil throws his rotund ass down to a very HOT HELL …

    Sometimes as I watch Trump’s failing health and diminished intelligence, (hard to gauge, since the fiasco on that ole bus was shown and he could not read the word, “OPEN” with an arrow showing which way to rotate the door handle), I imagine that I can hear the screams of the Banshees on the winds coming across the courthouses where Trump will find the end soon … One way or the other …

  4. Vance epitomizes classic conservative “I got MINE. YOU can go fuck off” attitude. Yes, he overcame much and struck it rich. I wonder how many people helped him along the way that he now has no use for. That he wouldn’t give the time of day if he had a crate full of clocks.

    Ron Howard needs to make a sequel and I’ve got the title for it: Hillbilly Elegy II – The CON Revealed!

  5. If I’d been Stephanopoulos, before cutting his mic, I would’ve just asked Vance, “So you obviously believe that President Joe Biden can do the very same thing come January of 2025 and that he can just write executive orders and ignore any ruling the Supreme Court issues against him. Do I have that right?” THEN, cut his mic as he starts flailing, trying to come up with a reason that it would NOT apply to Biden.

  6. You know, whenever I hear about potential VP picks, they are really most likely presidential picks. Including Kamala Harris. I love Biden, but I don’t think he has 4 more years. god forbid trump wins, he is so not long for this world. So think about that. This may be the first campaign where the VP candidates are more important than the presidential ones.

    • Really? I see nothing that tells me he’s gone in the next four years. I just had lunch today with a married couple…he’s 89 and she’s 87. Tomorrow I will go for a walk with a man turning 95 next month. Then we’ll have lunch. Seems you’re drinking the ageism kool-aid perpetrated by our ignorant tv youth oriented culture.


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