The idea of running for president in 2024 is a popular one in the Kushner family. It started out with Ivanka planning to run, and if not she then Jared, and now those ideas have gone up in smoke and Nikki Haley is the favored candidate. That is, unless Ivanka’s daddy decides to run again, in which case Haley has already said she will step aside. Times Of Israel:

Charles Kushner, father of Jared Kushner and father-in-law of Ivanka Trump, hosted a fundraising event for Nikki Haley and speculated about the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador becoming president.

If Haley declares, and Donald Trump, Jared Kushner’s father-in-law, says he wants another shot at the White House, things could get interesting at the Kushner family seder.

Vanity Fair reported Monday that the day before, as Trump was on Fox hinting that he is likely to run again, Charles Kushner was hosting a brunch for Haley in New Jersey.

The elder Kushner predicted Haley would be “the first woman president” and guests donated to her political action committee. Haley has said she will announce her decision about whether to run in 2024 early in 2023.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump did not attend the event; they were in Aspen, Colorado, Vanity Fair said. But they have lunched with Haley since Donald Trump left office and Trump reportedly blames his loss of the presidency last year in part on Jared Kushner, who effectively managed the reelection campaign.

We shall see what we shall see. Right now Haley doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell opposing Ron DeSantis.

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  1. Well, they are certainly wasting both their money and that of any idiot who sends them money. I cannot even imagine how anyone can be that stupid.

  2. The Republicans are not going to nominate a woman unless she is ten times better than the best male potential. Nikki Haley is not that.


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