The Funday Furkids love a holiday and the 4th of July is the biggest patriotic holiday of the year for Americans! It’s a day for dressing up, parading down Main Street and partying afterwards!

But make sure your furkids are secure inside when the fireworks start because that can be very frightening and disorienting for them. Petfinder put together this useful chart to help everyone keep their furkids safe.

Before we get to the celebrating, let’s first take a look at what Independence Day means to the furkids and featherkind of America.


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  1. {{{Michelle}}} a lovely and *quiet* way to celebrate. Unlike my neighborhood. sigh. Skritches to Ms. Loula & moar {{{HUGS}}} to you.

    • Next door had a party outside yesterday that I feared would drag on into the night. However, it was just a bbq lunch and they all left, presumably to go to the local stadium to watch the football match (I could hear the echoey sounds of the loudspeakers in the background shortly after the party noises ceased). So I did end up having a lovely quiet 4th of July.

      How did the clowder cope with their noisy neighbourhood? They’ll all be needing to catch up on naps tomorrow. Loula woke me just before 5 am this morning so I’d let her out for a pre-dawn runaround. Now she’s having a morning nap on the couch and I’m thinking of joining her because, seriously, 5 am was just TOO early! ? ? ?

      Love and hugs and scritches for the clowder.

    • The Greeks and Romans had seven muses but I have a huge team of furry muses who inspire me. I feel they are the ones who outdo themselves and I just got very lucky. ? ?

  2. Love the picture of ‘Basement Cat’. Looks like my girl, Puma. She can be quite the demon, but disappears under the bed as soon as the fireworks (or thunder) start up, despite having the TV, a radio and music on the computer all playing, and maybe this year, two air conditioners!
    Thanks for this Sunday special, and happy 4th to you and yours!

    • Happy 4th, Carol, and scritches to Puma. Tell her most furkids, including my Loula, are not fans of fireworks either so she’s in good company.

      PS Under the bed – my bed or the guest bed in the study – are Loula’s safe places too.

  3. I’m late to the party, but I can still celebrate all the critters’ independence with them! Thanks so much for this lovely explication of furbaby and featherbaby independence, Mopsy. 🙂


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