This is getting ridiculous. George Santos is turning out the be the prefect Trombie. Stupid as a box of rocks, and you can’t shut his mouth with a trowel full of Sakrete. Trump is as Trump does, right? After all, no dues to be paid or anything.

Bullshit. For one thing, Santos has exploded out of nowhere, with no previous persona to precede him. Second, he’s not entertaining or outlandish, he’s just transparent and stupid. And third, he doesn’t have any of the presidential gravitas left over to protect him.

And as a result, this dipshit now has three separate criminal investigations into him, countyb DA, state AG, and now the DOJ. And The guy’s only been in the news for 2 weeks! Hell, Al Capone had to kill people to get that kind of attention from the law.

From where I’m sitting these investigations are going to be incredibly easy to follow if you do it right. And the right way to do it is to clear your mind of all of the extraneous chaff and  bullshit, and keep the simple points in mind. Forget 90% of what he’s said.

Here’s where this is all going to go, and what it’s going to turn on. In a financial filing last year,on his recorded income, Santos listed a salary of $55,000. He also has a history of eviction actions against him, so it’s not like he hoards the money. And yet, in another more recent filings, Santos claims that he loaned his campaign $700,000.

Before we even get into the absurd dichotomy above, here’s what makes it absurd. We’re all used to the nonsense of presidential campaigns costing $100 million or more, and key Senate races going tens of millions of dollars. But take my word for it, not House races. You’re talking about a small sliver of a state, and advertising is largely fliers, mailers, e-mails, radio, and social media. Hell, half of the district doesn’t recognize their own members name until they see it on the ballot. Business and corporate donors know what the race should cost, and aren’t going to oversubscribe. Santos donating $700,000 is the political equivalent of grabbing a megaphone and shouting, Hey, guys! Look over here! Hinky shit going on!

Now that we’ve established the absurdity, let’s play prosecutor, and follow the guidebook. Two simple questions, who would give George Santos $700,000, and why would they give it to him? There are already rumors floating around out there about some Russian oligarch, aligned with Putin. That’s as my or may not be, but when you look at Santos’s bullshit excuse for how he personally made the money, the why somebody would give it to him becomes transparent.

Santos is babbling that he started first one, and later a second private ownership company that somehow or other put rich shitpokes with yachts together with rich shitpokes that wanted to buy yachts, or some such lame shit. The media can’t track either company, because they’re privately held, and neither even has a website. It goes without saying that George Santos knows about luxury yachts what I know about nuclear fission. Jack shit.

If that privately held corporation sounds familiar to you, it should. Because it goes under a couple of other names, dummy corporations and shell corporations. What they are is a piece of paper with two names on it, Company President and Company Secretary, that have filed the incorporation papers and paid the filing fee in a state.

They basically exist for two reasons, tax avoidance and money laundering. Trump uses them for tax avoidance, as we’re just starting to learn from his taxes. In the one year in which he had an appreciable profit from a property sale,in his taxes, he filed forms for 26 proprietary ownership companies, not one of which made a dime of income, but all of which racked up tens of thousands of dollars in losses, allowing him to offset some of his profit. He actually pulled the same thing on his New York state taxes in the 1990’s, and got blistered by the judges for it, telling him a repeat performance would result in prosecution.

In Santo’s case, it’s highly likely he’s using it, and his campaign as well for money laundering. And it’s so simple I can even explain it easily.

Somebody, a mobster, drug dealer, Russian oligarch, whomever pumps $700,000 into one or both of Santos’s dummy companies. Santos pays himself the $700,000, and then loans it to his campaign. What should happen next is that Santos’s campaign should start cutting checks to Sunset Political Consulting or some such, a dummy company set up by the donor, who can now withdraw nice clean laundered cash, with a paper trail to prove its legitimacy. But Santos’s antics, and new public scrutiny may put a crimp in that.

Yeah, I know, But what’s in it for Santos. Here’s a little irony, from what I can see, Santos pulled a Trump. He wasn’t supposed to win! And when he did, his new notoriety should be a bright spotlight on his shenanigans, putting him in a box.

As for his motive, how about this one. In santos’s filings, he listed some $40,999 in travel expenses. If that doesn’t get a prosecutor drooling, I don’t know what will. He listed private jets, private cars, luxury hotels, and even thousands for Brooks Brothers shirts for his campaign staff. He may as well have rented an office, and hung out a sign that said George Santos and Associates. Money Laundering. Most House members and candidates travel on the cheap, by car whenever possible to save money, because they know it doesn’t grow on trees. And why would a candidate with a 40 square mile district need private jet travel?

That was Santos’s cut, he got to live like a high roller during the campaign, under the guise of running for office. And for a bad guy, a payout of $40,000 in return for some $640,000 in nice clean cash is a steal. But with all of this sudden scrutiny, I don’t see how Santos dares to start cutting checks to dump corporations.

Now granted, this is all speculation. But it’s speculation with a ton of common sense, logic, and evidence behind it. And it all revolves around $700,000. For one simple reason. If Santos has a privately held company, and he’s worth millions, and he lends his campaign $700,000, why can’t he produce his company books to show the money trail, and clear this whole thing up right now? Come on George, Enquiring minds want to know! 

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  1. I don’t know if I’d call it funny. Fucked-up? No question. Either way I take a measure of enjoyment from the entertainment of seeing some asshat like this get what’s coming to them. Trump’s ass should have been in jail long ago. He’d never have become President in the first place if the law treated white collar defendants the way it should. BUT, he was another sleazy high-end big city “developer” using real-estate for scams which often includes some money laundering. Trump flirted with disaster because unlike most of these dirtbags he wanted to be famous and he made a point of flaunting his “wealth”/lifestyle. Maybe he’ll finally go to prison and maybe he won’t.

    But I think you’re quite correct in predicting Santos is headed there and a year from now he’ll know all about life wearing prison orange.

    • One way or another, everything Trump ever valued will be destroyed. Prison will simply be a nice bonus, one that his presidential healthcare will ensure he lives long enough to see. Santos, by virtue of his smaller stature, will just get there sooner.

  2. A whole lot of people will be i prison before Trump** goes. And it’s neither funny nor reprehensible – it’s just the way conspiracies are. The person at the top is always the last to go to prison, not because they are rich and powerful and can but or bluster their way out, but because convicting them requires workig the way up the food chain, turning witnesses as one goes, one at a time. And sometimes even that isn’t possible and another route must be taken – the classic example is Al Capone.

    Not being a member of the Department of Justice, I have no idea what their strategy is (and, if I were and did know, I couldn’t tell you anyway.) As a non-lawyer, I have gut-feeling confidence that he will come to court earlier, not that JoackSmith is on ot,than he would have before Jack Smith was tapped. But I have no idea what that means in the way of actual timing. I also have no idea whether the plan is to charge him with everything at the same time. If they don’t, a number of lawyers are suggesting that the documents case will be first, at least at the Federal level, being the easiest to prove. But there’s also Georgia. And, also, there are appeals. I suspect the earliest we might conceivably see him locked up would be if a prosecutor requests, and the judge concurs, that he be deemed a flight risk at an arraignment. And that may not happen. But that desn;t mean that there is no justice.

  3. Here’s dark money driven by CEO’s, bigwigs and whoever looking for favors down
    the road.

    Santos is no different than Trump,only dumber.

    Both of them need jail really bad!!!!!!

  4. The expense reports for his campaign are hinky as fck. Lots of stuff at $199.99. And thousands in air travel, for a district that’s on Long Island. Unless he was taking extremely roundabout routes between LaGuardia and JFK, that shouldn’t be necessary.

  5. I’m located at the far northwest corner of NY CD-4, and had a funny/strange but relevant experience during the 2022 campaign: every time I opened the Opera browser on my tablet, I was subjected to a George Santos campaign ad. Adding insults to injury, the ads kept popping up at 3- to 5-minute intervals; there was virtually no advertising for his Dem opponent; and as a resident of CD-4, I should have been targeted by a different candidate slate.

    Relevant to this article is the fact that all this airtime on a fiberoptic ISP (FiOS) doesn’t come cheap, and a corporate giant like Verizon isn’t about to saturate its content with free political advertising. Santos had to be spending real money, not Trump bucks. FTM!!


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