‘It’s A Fake World After All’ Heroes Of The #Resistance Banned From Twitter, Axios Reports How Bad It All Is


Journalism stands at a crossroads today. Just this week, a number of stories have broken, none of them good news, which question the very essence of journalistic responsibility, especially in the internet age. The Julian Assange story in particular, threatens to shake notions of First Amendment freedoms to the roots. But it’s not the only story worth reading and talking about. Read this excerpt from The New Yorker:

But journalism—unlike, say, medicine, law, or architecture—is a profession that any person can practice. There are no licensing or education requirements, and we journalists generally think that this is a good thing: the public can decide which journalists are worth reading or watching, and the law can intervene in those rare cases when journalism causes harm. The last thing we want the U.S. government, or any government, to do is to start deciding who is and who is not a journalist. “For the most part, the charges against him broadly address the solicitation, receipt, and publication of classified information,” DeCell tweeted. “These charges could be brought against national security and investigative journalists simply for doing their jobs, and doing them well.”

Two takeaways from that paragraph, which is from an article addressing the possible ramifications of the Assange case. To paint the conflict in overly simplistic terms, for the sake of expediency, if it’s decided Assange is indeed a journalist and a publisher, and he’s found guilty of espionage, the ramifications for legitimate journalists and publishers, could be staggering. Look no more for the Pentagon Papers or anything of that sort to show up on the front page, because the reporters and publishers will be in jail. Now, keep that thought in the back of your mind and then look to an article that Rolling Stone just published, “Avenatti, Wohl and the Krassensteins Prove Political Media Is A Huckster’s Paradise.”

The subtitle of the piece is “In the Trump era of cartoon politics, the world’s biggest jackasses have an easy highway to fame and fortune.” Now, you already know about Michael Avenatti’s newest grief, for which he was indicted, yet again, last week, for ripping off Stormy Daniels.

Already charged for attempting to extort Nike and for embezzling $12 million from a batch of clients, he’s been hit with a new indictment. He’s accused of blowing the proceeds of porn star Stormy Daniels’ book deal on things like his monthly $3,900 Ferrari payment, while stalling her with excuses that the publisher was late or “resisting… due to poor sales of [Daniels’s] book.”

The man stacks up indictments like you and I do pancakes. But take a look at how the author, Matt Taibbi, links together some other internet luminaries.

The fate of Avenatti-Icarus feels intertwined with Ed and Brian Krassenstein of #Resistance fame. The flying Krassensteins have just been removed from Twitter, allegedly for using fake accounts and “purchasing fake interactions.”

This comes three years after their home was raided by federal agents, and nearly two after a forfeiture complaint made public the Krassensteins’ 13-year history of owning and operating sites pushing Ponzi-like “High-Yield Investment Plans” or HYIPs. Authorities said the pair “generated tens of thousands of complaints by victims of fraudulent HYIPs.” (Emphasis mine) [“mine” meaning Matt Taibbi, author of the piece quoted]

After their Twitter ban this week, in one of the most perfect details you’ll ever find in a news story, the Krassensteins were contacted by Jacob Wohl, the infamous pro-Trump conspiracy peddler who is himself banned. Wohl reportedly proposed they all band together to “fight Twitter and internet censorship.”

Now, Jacob Wohl’s name should be familiar to you. He’s the one-trick pony who claims sexual misconduct on the part of anybody he wants to smear. His last target was Pete Buttigieg, who supposedly raped somebody and before that it was Robert Mueller, same charge. That’s all that dances in Wohl’s head, apparently, are phantasms of newsmakers raping people. In all events, both stories had their obligatory fifteen minutes of fame and then faded into infamy.

With respect to the Krassenstein brothers, they have a blog called “Hill Reporter” and they have a substantial following on Twitter, over half a million. Here’s their side of the story, via a business associate.

Now, here’s a tweet that I posted at 11:59 Pacific time.

I have not received a reply, but the day is young. When/if I do receive a reply, I will share it.

My purpose here is not to judge anyone. My purpose is merely to share what facts I find, from credible sources, and see what is what. Like a cosmic flour sifter, truth has a way of flowing with ease, and lies are the lumps that stick and can’t make it through the tiny holes of discernment.

But, to get to the larger point here, and there is one: We live in a world where truth and lies are intermingled, and this comment has nothing to do with the individuals named in the articles cited herein. It is much much bigger than them. According to Axios, “most internet traffic comes from bots.”

Take a look at these figures. You and I, the flesh-and-blood breathing types, are in the minority, at 49%. Here are some more links from Axios:

  • Dozens of content farms and internet hacks make money selling or amplifying fake video views or follower accounts to politicians and influencers.

  • Distorted images can make any crowd size look bigger or smaller than reality.

  • Around the world, fake polls are being set up to distort elections.

The hottest political tactic this cycle is forcing a candidate or politician to defend themselves against a hoax.

  • Mayor Pete Buttigieg was falsely accused of sexual assault by right-wing trolls.

  • Sen. Kamala Harris has found herself caught up in a storm of fake memes questioning her identity and race.

As I’ve said time and again, and will say yet once more, we live in a world of two Americas, co-existing side by side, and each one tuned in to a different version of reality. Fox News has had a pernicious and corrosive effect on what is perceived as truth in this world. The average person on the street honestly believes that there are two sides to every story. The only way I’ll agree with that, is to say, “Yes, the true one and the false one, what’s your evidence, before we decide which is which?” Frequently there are no facts to be relied upon, only ideas that conform to a person’s bias, and bias confirmation has taken the place of any search for truth.

That’s why we have the Wizard of Oz, or in his case, B.S., Donald Trump, in the Oval Office. He knows the Great Rule of Communication, “People believe what you tell them, they just do,” and that’s what his political “career” is based upon — telling people what they want to hear, pushing irrational buttons and pulling emotional triggers and then, in the end, having no substance to give the people who erroneously believed him, just more b.s. on top of a mountain of b.s.

The watchword here is caveat emptor, “buyer beware.” Make sure that you know who you’re reading on the internet. Any credible blog or tweeter will be somebody you can contact and get real-world data on. At the end of each one of these communications, there is a real person, inputting what you read as illuminated pixels — or there’s a bot, or a grifter. Any legitimate source will be happy, if not eager, to reveal who and where they are and what they do. Let me just shade that comment with a little bit of caution: many of us write under pen names for our own safety. I personally had a death threat, here on this very blog, and I’ve received harassing emails, so I have to cloak myself a bit — but not so mysteriously that I won’t answer a legitimate inquiry.

Just for the record, the gang here at PolitiZoom is quite boring. We don’t even get parking tickets here. (Murfster can’t even see well enough to drive, anymore, so that rules him out of even that class of misdemeanor.) Which is not meant as a diss to Avenatti, the Krassensteins, or Jacob Wohl. What they do is their business, and their issues will be adjudicated by the parties in charge of such things. I’m not taking a holier than thou stance. My point is this: The internet is one giant merry-go-round and if you jump on it, and say or do something that sells, you can achieve some measure of success and that will translate into dollars. Some people have mined this resource for quite a bit. It’s the mother lode to them. The rest of us are showing up diligently and dipping our pans in the water and if we get a little dust here and there, okay. At least it’s done honestly. We go and buy a few more groceries. There’s no beemer in my driveway. Truth be known, if I sent you a picture of what’s parked out there, you’d die laughing.

One last comment about journalism:

Working in the field of journalism has never been easy, nor particularly lucrative. One gets into it as a labor of love, generally speaking. With the advent of the internet, came a new breed of journalist, the blogger. If you know anything about me personally, I was a member of the working press, a radio newscaster, back in the late seventies. I loved the field, hated the paycheck, so went on to better paying ventures while I was still young enough to make career changes easily.

Henceforth, my political opinions were only shared by writing an occasional Letter to the Editor of TIME Magazine and the like — until Donald Trump. His appearance on the political scene roused something dormant and primal in me and I had to speak out about it. Speak, I had to scream. I mean I had to, or I was going to bust. So I started blogging, and the rest is history. The people named in the articles cited to in this piece also got rolling with Donald Trump and his cartoon era of politics. We have never been in a more fever-pitched emotional state in this country, and I say that as someone who has lived through Vietnam, Watergate, Iran-contra, and all the mania pre-Roe v. Wade, which we are now revisiting, and with a vengeance.

There was a lot of lying and political corruption in those days around those issues, but nothing, and I mean nothing, like what we see today. Today’s political scene is surreal. And the advent of the citizen, self-styled journalist and populist politician, is both a blessing and a total curse. It’s good when normal, everyday people hear the call to speak out and serve, it’s quite another thing when that momentum is turned into self-serving and a quest to get the other guy to part with a buck, by somebody with the instincts of a grifter. And the political media pot, in particular, is a heady blend and somebody is always stirring the pot and threatening to turn it completely noxious.

Take a look at the Axios stats once again and be sure who you’re talking to, or sending money to, in this cybernetic world we’ve created; because it has already shown us —  it can be Paradise, or it can be Hell.

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  1. One other thing I’ve noticed about journalism as properly practiced: too often, it’s rarely ever safe. Do recall the death and dismemberment of Khashoggi of the Washington Post courtesy of Mr. Bone Saw’s goons. Around the world, I’ve often gotten the impression that such things are the rule rather than the exception. As such, I take all death threats by Trump and his enablers toward journalists very seriously.

    • I do, which is why Ursula hides. I’m not impossible to find, nobody is, but I’ve thrown up enough of a smoke screen that it would take somebody determined to get through it. And you know, my philosophy of that is that if somebody wants to get you that bad, they will. What’s that line from Godfather, “History has shown us that nobody is safe?” Lot of truth to that. There are a lot of crazies out there and they send me emails from time to time.

      One email I turned into a fundraiser and took straight to the bank.

      • Actual quote is from Godfather Part II and goes “If history has taught us anything, it’s that you can kill anybody.” Chilling words to consider…I wonder how much they keep Trump up at night.

        • If there’s one hard and fast rule on this site, it’s that violence not be discussed. So, while not discussing violence, just let me say every U.S. president has enemies, but I personally don’t know anybody who is as hated as Trump. Nixon, at the end, was hated, but not as much as Trump — just my subjective viewpoint, having been both times and places.

          • Never wanted to give the impression that this is what I was doing, Ursula. My focus was strictly on the man’s fear of such violence, not its actuailty. His actions does suggest a highly irrational terror of a lot of people for reasons that make no sense to me.

          • I didn’t have that impression, I just felt it was incumbent upon me to say something about the “no advocating violence” rule. No, Trump is batshit crazy, I agree. He fears germs, sharks, sharks with germs, germs with fins, Christ alone knows what all he fears. I wouldn’t want to know what rattles around in that noggin of his, I’ll stay in my own.

          • However, it is important to recognize which side of the sanity spectrum the hate comes from. Practically 100% of the angry left is opposed to the use of violence to achieve a political end – the “means” matter. The far right on the other hand pretty much LIVES the mantra that “the end JUSTIFIES the means.” Think about the NRA’s biggest problem right now – loss of the biggest reason that the right wing buy guns. As a result, they are going bankrupt under Trump. I’m guessing the Secret Service was WAY busier under President Obama than they are under Trump.

          • No disrespect, Steve, but I also thought that the NRA’s current problems also stemmed the first coherent opposition to them that they’ve experienced in a generation, inner power struggles over the exchequer and a possible Russian connection that laundered some serious blood money in 2016.

          • I would never want to see Trump dead. That would deprive me of all hope of the pleasure of seeing him taken to prison in handcuffs.

  2. Your articles are so well done, I am sure it hasn’t slipped your notice that your readership has gone through the roof. Congratulations.

    • Honey, where has the readership gone through the roof? I’m aware of a few more subscriptions (thank you, lovely people, thank you) and my Pete Buttigieg article did well on Facebook. (“Well” being a relative term, since all political blogs have had a cutback from Facebook, since last October or so.) But seriously, do you know something I don’t? Please share.

      From your lips to God’s ear, I want to see the readership go through the roof. I think of little else, believe me.

        • Maybe there are. And your subjective impression as a user is important. Two articles that did quite well were that “Open Letter To George W. Bush…” and the Buttigieg article.

          No complaints. As long as we keep trundling along, and picking up a few subscribers here and there and the occasional patron, I have no complaints. It’s a snail’s pace rather than a roller coaster ride, but what can we do?

  3. FB has got some weird “standards.” I saw this morning that they are refusing to take down those right wing videos on their platform that claim Pelosi was drunk and their “proof” was altered video slowing down her speaking. So they KNOW it’s fake but they won’t do anything about it because “freedom of speech” yet they cut back on progressive stuff. FB claims we just have to put up with obviously false crap – even when it’s blatantly smearing a prominent person.

    I wonder how long an account from some nobody like me would stay up if I were to say borrow a stock description from the blogger ShowerCap of Devin Nunes who Cappie likes to refer to as “Pig Fucker” regularly. I wonder if I were to post a photoshopped picture of Nunes and ZUCKERBERG on a pig farm, and state Rumor has it Mark Zuckerberg and Devin Nunes were at the farm today picking out which sows they were going to fuck at their private pig fucking orgy this weekend.” And add “Well, like Trump says ‘that’s what I heard…'”

    Let’s face it. Z-man’s crew would have my butt banned from their platform for life. Free speech, even slanderous and clearly untrue (well, in Nunes’ case who knows?) is ok if you’re a conservative but not for the rest of us.

  4. I couldn’t see the graph that well, but it looked like there was more negative activity in 2012, than 2016. If so, that’s odd. Good piece, btw.


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