The cruelty was always the point. We all know that. But the Trump administration’s separation of kids and parents, meant to be the ultimate deterrent – was so vicious that even the Trump administration reversed itself on the policy, but only after it became public and only after hundreds of thousands marched across the nation, including many Trump voters who didn’t vote for THIS. To make it even worse, the policy came out of a pilot program that proved that the government’s ability to track children and parents was hopelessly inadequate. Despite this obvious cruelty, Stephen Miller declared that “if we don’t take the children, this country as we know it is finished.” He was right, in that if they did take the children, this country as we had known it was finished.

There was serious talk among the level-headed that the United States government was guilty of crimes against humanity. There was a time, perhaps a year prior to Trump, that the United States would be the country lecturing and forcing any country with such a policy to reverse it. We became the hideous dark force.

Today at CPAC, Thomas Homan, director of ICE under Trump, seems to want another shot at family separation, even though the Biden administration is still trying to reconnect families, give them homes in the United States, health insurance, jobs, and therapy. Doctors officially declared the policy itself as child abuse. Yet Homan bragged about the policy and acted as if this was totally normal:

“I’m sick and tired hearing about the family separation, and I’m still being sued over that. So come give me – I don’t give a shit. Right. Bottom line is. We enforced the law. American families, when I was a cop in New York and I arrest a father for domestic violence, or someone for DUI, I separate that family. When you violate the law with a child, you’re going to be separated.”

*Fcking liar! There was no “law” requiring the U.S. to separate families until you made it so. And, as a former NYPD, he knows that, with respect to a DUI with a single parent, the judge is not going to hold that parent in jail and will do everything possible to keep the single parent out of jail, to pay their sentence in some other way. Moreover, in violent crimes, it’s child abuse to leave the kids in that home! THAT is common sense. Finally, and most importantly, there are dozens of programs with caring people to take care of kids, including visits to parents in jail, and there is never any question as to reunification after one has paid their debt to society. Children and parents are reunited.

None of that was present with this policy. He doesn’t give a shit because he doesn’t give a shit about brown people. It is so important to him to keep brown people out of the United States that he is willing to literally commit a crime against humanity. HE IS WILLING TO COMMIT CHILD ABUSE, SO LONG AS IT’S A BROWN CHILD.

Now, as bad as that policy was, note that he was applauded at CPAC. Trump and America First voters are coming around to that kind of hate. I have said it over and over. The first America First term, MAGA under Trump, was an exercise in “owning” the libs. The second (if it happens), whether DeSantis or Trump, will be about punishing the libs. Does anyone really believe that DeSantis isn’t capable of doing something worse to immigrants?

Seriously. Fck these people. They’ve lost all sense of humanity. Almost half, maybe 40%, of this country is speeding toward fascist cruelty because they’re so stupid that they think it’ll never harm them. There are a lot of dead Germans, gentile dead Germans, who died fighting Hitler’s war, who saw the furious hatred of Jews and never thought it would impact them. It did.

I doubt the MAGAs would ever figure it out until it’s too late.

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  1. First of all no, it’s not the bottom. I don’t know where the bottom is but it’s way the hell down there beyond anyone’s ability to see it. Maybe there isn’t a bottom at all when it comes to how cruel, how depraved this guy and those who agree with him are.

    Second, this all got kicked off when Jeff Sessions was AG and the Evil Keebler Elf spent his life dreaming of restoring the Confederacy. I said before and I’ll say it again, this was ALWAYS about a new form of slavery. Grabbing a bunch of kids, many so young they’d never remember who their original family was and putting them into a form of legal limbo. Given an “identity” but no official status either in this country or wherever they came from. As they’d grow up whatever rich and privileged family got one (or more) of them would have an indentured servant who could be taken advantage of and abused including sexually and they’d have NOWHERE to turn for help!

    It was an attempt to create a new version of slavery. If they hadn’t got caught who knows how many lost children would be in this modern version of a new American slave trade?

    • I know it’s not the bottom. It’s called “Writer’s License” to make a title a bit more gripping. And though it’s not the bottom, it’s not all that far from it. Child abuse and crimes against humanity, “I don’t give a shit!” (Audience applause) really aren’t that far. The kids lives were forever altered. Lining up brown people for prisons or even execution isn’t far from taking pride in abusing kids.

  2. There’s one image I can’t shake years later. It was the 2y/o floating face down dead in the Rio Grande, with her little arm wrapped around her dead father’s neck, also floating face down dead. He’d left his wife and other child on the other side to go save his daughter. I said it before and I’ll give a warning to all you skeptics…there is supernatural evil independent of you. Do any of you think this life ends at death? Better reconsider. Better understand its YOU who chooses whether to do good or evil in this life. You. And a judgement is coming. Yours. Based on you. This nazi will face a darkness only the evil dead know. Or the ones who’ve crossed a line and returned. I find the certainty of these asshats laughable that they can do this evil without consequences. Hey Stephen you’re one day closer to death. Tic tok tic tok tic tok. The clock only goes tic tok until it stops. Mr Miller, hell awaits you and this pissant. Believe it or not. Death doesn’t care what you believe. You’ve made your choice.

  3. Putin has been stealing Ukrainian children, putting them into reeducation camps. Sounds like he learned it from trump and this guy

  4. We are not too far away from the day MAGATs start to organize militias and parade in the street, likely doing the goose-step and wearing brown shirts. MTG has already sounded the clarion call for a National Divorce, and callous disregard for those “not like us” is deadening any drop of humanity. Americans will soon have to decide if the country is for everyone, as inscribed on the base of Statue of Liberty, or a country for only the self- defined “Great”. The clock is ticking on this one.

    • It’s not only tRump, there are several others who are carrying this same banner. What I don’t understand is why they all seem to think that because we want common sense gun laws that we don’t know how to use firearms or own them? Seems that they want to think of themselves as more, but in reality they are few, deadly to be sure because of all the anger they carry within. But KARMA will come for them in the end I am sure.


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