This afternoon the Diapered Don continued his magical late stage cognitive decline tour, claiming that his 2018 visit to the troops at an airbase near Baghdad, a trek that was undertaken by both George W. Bush and President Obama, required “extreme bravery” on his part, praised, apparently, Mao Zedong for imposing the death penalty on opium dealers and ending opium addiction in China, and recounted that “two weeks ago” Viktor Orbán of Hungary said in an interview that to bring order to the world Obama should resign and let him be President again.

Even stacked against his latest string of looney speeches this one was impressively clueless:



Wow, what a lunatic.

You just know Aaron’s followers would have fun with that:

Some would say… HUGE!


Just like he mentions in every speech now that Viktor Orbán is the leader of Hungary…

And that he laughed at him to his face.






It’s coming. Unless he forgets…

I wonder…


Trump just keeps getting worse and hardly anyone in the media reports on it, and among his rivals for the Republican nomination only Chris Christie dares to criticize him.

What a bunch of feckless cowards.

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  1. Headline in MSM on November 1, 2024: Earlier reports, while still vague, of cognitive decline of Republican candidate may, perhaps, have some merit.

  2. Some RW’ers think Obama is POTUS, and Biden is a “double”. Humper’s gaffes feed into it. History would have been more liveable with an escalator gaffe. They forgot the sandbag.

  3. So does this mean he wants to execute the sackler family? Not a bad idea but I do think having him in the w.h. again would be waayyy too big a price to pay.

  4. He’s an embarrassment to the human race.
    Last week he said he “lives in a large world no one knows about but him”…now I don’t know if that’s him admitting he’s an alien from another planet.
    Then he said the only person that should be speaker is Jesus Christ whose been dead for 2023 years.
    He then told his cult not to bother voting next November because he already has enough votes to win an election that hasn’t happened yet.
    There’s something very wrong with this individual. Maybe he is an alien from another planet?

  5. His yuge 3 neurone ‘woo woo’ wrapped soft center bombranium is morphing into a decompensated psycho, aggressive, reptilian space occupying lesion boom-box. He’s successfully failing to escape the reality that’s increasingly crushing his narcissistic delusion reality. Everything this fugly prick touches dies, even his very own being and tenuous irrational fault finding existence. He’s failing to have you fit in his reality box – so:

  6. Look at the people sitting behind him at ANY rally. They are bored. They hold up signs when told to but other than that, they barely, rarely, ever react. A few might clap weakly. But they are paid to sit there and they are only there for the money. It’s fascinating to watch them not reacting at all to this person. Makes you wonder exactly how much his magats really love him.


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