You know, I get it. Sometimes a politician can get a little bit carried away, especially if he’s really passionate about a subject. But there’s no way you could be that passionate about this particular subject, and even if you were, did you have to be that big of a dick about it?

I am speaking of Nebraska GOP Senator Ben Sasse. Let me give you the back story. One of the things that the Biden administration has been taking a hit for in all of the clamor and glory of their COVID response is that they have been so stingy in sharing the vaccine booty. I thought that Dr. Wilensky put it perfectly when she explained that we led the world with 600,000 dead, we had to put our own oxygen masks on before assisting others.

Now, they’re putting their money where their mouths are. The administration announced today a 25 million dose shipment as the down payment on a Biden promise of 80 million doses shipped out by the end of June. The Biden administration is right up front, there are no IOU’s with this, no favors expected or payback due, the US is assuming its rightful place as the leader of the free world, brings a tear to your eye.

But here’s where my BVD’s get all bunched up. One of the places that is getting a multi million dose hit is a Non Governmental Organization called CO-VAC. Basically, it’s a kind of global vaccine clearing house. Countries give vaccine donations to CO-VAC, and CO-VAC checks their database for where the need is greatest for that particular vaccine is the most dire, and fairly distributes it. Personally? I love that shit! Let the pros do what they do best.

But it turns out that Nebraska GOP Senator Ben Sasse absolutely fucking hates it! And not because CO-VAC is some kind of sleazy rip off organization, which collects the donations, and then sells it all on the black market for maximum profit. Sasse is all up on his high horse for the worst possible reason in the world to be a dick!

OK, take a deep breath, and relax, because here we go. Ben Sasse is pissed off because if the United States gives a shit load of vaccine doses to CO-VAC, and then asks CO-VAC to distribute to the most needy nations, then the United States won’t get the propper groveling from the peasants that get the aid!

I shit you not, check out his tantrum earlier today! His biggest beef was that vaccines delivered by CO-VAC would not have sufficient markings to let the locals know who came to their rescue! Even as Biden was talking about doing the right thing as a super power, Sasse was whining like a little byotch about not getting enough credit.

Here I thought that Ben Sasse was a card carrying Christian. Let me ask you one simple question Ben. If you plunk $50 into a Salvation Army kettle in December, do you honestly expect that 10 Salvation Army Christmas presents for under privileged kids should all have stickers on them saying that $5 of the present was provided by Senator Ben Sasse? Grow up, and quit being such a soulless dick!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. Sorry. Given the heartless destruction of children by the thousands, betraying every ally & agreement, grifting beyond belief, rampant racism, giving arms to bone sawing murderers, & on & on & on; anyone who supported anyone with an R, & thinks they follow Jesus’s example, or reported teachings, is a goddamn hypocrite & LIAR. Benny is a poster boy matching Dylan’s line, ” you say you lost your faith, u know it’s not like that. You had no faith to lose & you know it. You just wanted to be on the side that’s winning.”

    • Not only the side that’s winning, but have his name on it, like tRump’s name on the stimulus checks and letters. It’s all about the credit to some.


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