This is a smart play. As a matter of fact, this is the play that will work, to get rid of Donald Trump. And who will be getting rid of Trump? Why, the people who can do it faster and surer than the Democrats, that is for damn sure. Who might that be? MAGA. Trump’s own acolytes, sycophants and followers. They could topple him in an instant, do for democracy what the rest of us have been attempting to do for seven years now — and we’ve been successful to some extent, yes, but not completely.

Here’s the deal: Trump ripped off his own supporters with the Big Lie, the fable that the election was stolen and he needed their help to get “reinstated” — a procedure which doesn’t exist in the Constitution, but who reads the Constitution, right? Trump fleeced MAGA for $250,000,000. You know it and I know it and Trump sure as hell knows it. But MAGA doesn’t know it. The Lincoln Project just dropped a new tape in the wee hours of Sunday morning. This is the ticket. If the MAGAs can ever be led to see the truth of this, Trump will be done.

“When I didn’t win the election.” Whoa, Nellie!! That’s the clip that needs to go far and wide. I sincerely think that winning this next election could be as simple as this. I know you’re saying, “but they won’t listen.” Maybe they would if this was broadcast on every single media outlet and talked about non-stop. Both of these clips. And any others that address the fact that Trump KNEW he lost.

This is far and away not the first time that Trump let it slip in conversation that he lost the election. Not at all. Those clips need to be assembled and then somebody needs to ask him about it on live television.

Trump is doing a town hall on Fox News next week. Wouldn’t it be grand if Jessica Tarlov or somebody, anybody at all, Sean Hannity, could simply ask Trump to respond to any of these clips and simply admit that he lost the election?

I think that would do a world of good.

On the other hand, this is a MAGA speaking. This is what they believe. I don’t know if it’s possible to get through a wall of idiocy this impenetrable.

That’s the newest conspiracy theory. They’re (millions of immigrants, being groomed as Democratic voters) swarming through Texas now, raping children, being given free health insurance, and I guess going on welfare. That’s the meaning I’m taking from “for hardworking Americans to support.”

But we can dream, right? That the truth can somehow penetrate a skull this thick? And again, I think it might. It has been my observation that when people get hit in the pocketbook, that wakes them up more effectively than anything else.

The question then becomes, how can MAGAs be convinced that Trump has ripped them off, like he used to rip off his construction workers, anybody who ever worked for him? Because if we could answer that, and get at least a few MAGAs to see how they’ve been duped, the rest of them might fall like a stack of dominoes.

That’s my dream, in any event. I think that we should take testimony from relatives of MAGAs who have been fleeced and publicize that. There was a touching story I read of an older man who had never contributed to a political campaign before, but he gave Trump money — once, he thought.

Turns out that this was when Trump had everything on a weekly auto renew and the poor old gentleman ended up giving Trump many thousands of dollars before his son discovered the situation and made efforts to get the money back. (There are laws protecting campaign donations gotten fraudulently, like this one.)

This is the kind of story that needs to be told. Once the MAGAs see Trump for the phony and the fraud that he is, the man behind the curtain, the consummate liar, they’ll wake up. I believe the pocketbook is the shortest route to their “minds.” Seriously. This is the direction we should go.

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  1. Your “… The question then becomes, how can MAGAs be convinced that Trump has ripped them off, … if we could answer that, and get at least a few MAGAs to see how they’ve been duped, the rest of them might fall like a stack of dominoes…” resonates with a Mark Twain quote, being “… You take the lies out of him, and he’ll shrink to the size of your hat; you take the malice out of him, and he’ll disappear…”

    • That’s TREMENDOUS! I never heard that quote before! Thank you! That reminds me of an old Hollywood gag: “You can take all the morals in Hollywood, roll them up and stick them in a gnat’s navel, and still have room left over for an agent’s heart.”

  2. Mark Twain — ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

    People are stubborn and proud, no-one wants to admit they made a mistake, once they’ve ‘invested’ in supporting something it’s hard to change their minds.

    Ridicule can work. Why not, they deserve it.

    • Maybe this is the sunk costs fallacy, like insane gamblers use to lose even more money gambling. The MAGAs might figure they’ve invested the time and the money, so they need to see it through. Makes no sense to me.

  3. If you would like to have a productive, open-minded conversation with a Trump supporter, you may want to consider not starting with the premise that he is an idiot. This simple-minded, nonsensical piece misses the point of Trump’s appeal and creates a double standard that is hard to ignore. If we can prove a politician has lied, then they’re supporters should abandon them or be ridiculed? That’s the litmus test the author is positing. That’s absurd. Politicians on both sides craft messages that can be interpreted in different ways. Was “…if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” a lie? Should Obama be ostracized from the political realm? Do Biden’s repeated statements of his accomplishments, actions, and accolades that have been proven demonstrably false qualify as a lie? If so, this piece suggests his supporters should jump ship. In fact, it suggests that this is the only ethical choice to make. Again, absurd.
    Not all Trump supporters think he is a morally upright example to follow, and that’s fine. Some don’t believe moral exceptionalism is a function of the Presidency. Some people look at results. The booming economy, American safety, keeping foreign aggression at bay, a better controlled border, and other positive outcomes of Trump’s time in office matter more than some hysterical outrage created by typical Trump embellishment that shouldn’t surprise anyone, especially his supporters. We had a peaceful transfer of power. His comments about losing the election unfairly ring eerily similar to Hillary’s commentswjen she lost. That’s what politicians do.
    That’s also where this article fails. It applies a standard to Trump that the author is not willing to apply across the political spectrum. It suggests that the left has a moral and intellectual superiority that could convert wayward Trump supporters if only they could just see the light. This article is preaching to a choir, unfortunately, the message is tired, inaccurate, and devoid of reason. An author really wanting to contribute something meaningful, would take a more measured approach with some semblance of fairness and maybe even be open to the fact that the other side may have some merit. Pieces like this serve no purpose other than to further divide the country.

    • Well, when Trump supporters spout nonsense like equating Hillary’s comments about losing with Trump’s comments about losing, then there’s no alternative but to believe they are, in fact, idiots. Like you.
      Trump told everyone–months before the 2016 election, mind you–that the only possible way he could lose was if the election was rigged and he had told them that they would have to march on Washington after that loss to protest. Again, “Jason,” this was in the summer of 2016–not in 2017, not in 2020 (although he did “lather, rinse, repeat” the message that year).
      Yes, Hillary believed the election results were wrong–every presidential candidate who loses has a day or two of disbelief with the results. The difference, though, is that Hillary CONCEDED the election when the results showed she couldn’t win the Electoral College (by the way, *she* never sought to challenge the electoral vote or any of the results from the close states; Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, was the one who initiated the challenges but eventually backed down when the Democratic Party opted not to join in–Stein was hoping the Democrats would pay for the recounts which is why she initiated the challenges). Trump, by comparison, has NEVER publicly (or privately) conceded the 2020 election. He has continued to claim the election was stolen from him, despite all the recounts that showed absolutely NO significant electoral hanky-panky (although we have seen many Republicans who’ve been charged with, and found guilty of, fraudulent voting, ballot tampering and interfering with the voting process in general; not enough to affect any election outcomes but enough to put lie to the claim that the GOP is about “fair elections”) as well as having no evidence of any widespread vote fraud. Every attempt to go through the courts on the issue was rebuffed because Trump and his supporters had no evidence they were prepared to show to the court that would merit an actual court case or hearing (for some reason, none of his many lawyers and legal “experts” trying to go to court seemed to understand that evidence has to be presented to the court before any case can actually be heard simply to assure there *IS* evidence).

    • Welcome Jason, it’s nice for you to drop by and get another point of view. ..I visit Newsmax every day to see Maga’s point of view. …I give my opinion and get thousands of thumbs down which I am proud of because it shows that my words are being heard.. Thank you for posting without insults. …I always like to remind Rep. and dems alike that words can be made powerful and should never be wasted on silly personal insults.

    • You’ve just proven that Trump supporters are morons, better than I ever could. There is ZERO resemblance between Obama’s “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” and Trump inciting a riot at the Capitol, lying about millions of dollars gained in violation of the emoluments clause and about 30K other documented falsehoods that we could list.

      This comment of yours is pure horseshit. But I don’t doubt that you believe it.

    • calling an idiot an idiot just makes them double down on their idiocy. who wants to admit they are wrong to someone calling them such? who would even entertain the idea? you gotta talk to them like the idiotic children they are and make them think it’s their idea and brilliance that made them see the truth lol

  4. Maybe. But sometimes I think even strapping them in with their eyelids held open and someone giving them eyedrops like in A Clockwork Orange when they deprogrammed the main character wouldn’t work on most of these people.

  5. Jason, your ‘alternative facts’ aren’t true. Trump did NONE of the things you stated…BIDEN has. Did you drink bleach when the virus struck? Why not? Do you advocate dropping a nuke into a hurricane? Why not? Do you believe Mexico paid for a nonexistent wall? Why not? Do you believe we secured the airfields in the Revolutionary War? Why not? Do you actually believe Lincoln could have stopped the Civil War by convincing the slave owning states to give up their subculture? Why not? Do you believe Trump worked hard everyday instead of playing golf a full year out of four? I could go on…the list is ENDLESS! By the way Mr both sides…Which democratic president led an insurrection against our democracy LIKE YOUR BOY DID. GO PHUCK A ROLLING DOUGHNUT MR CULT MEMBER!!! TRAITOR!! FACT! Stick your irrational excuses up trumps gigantic ass!

  6. Well, Jason is an unusual Trump supporter. He puts together complete sentences in order to make his point. I’ll wager that he hasn’t put as much money into the Trump grifts as others. He strikes me as someone who bought the Kool-aid, but probably not the NFTs and 20 flags and 40 hats and the new Trump calendar (published by Jr.) that has nothing on January 6, not even an homage to the “political prisoners.” Nope, Jason has a budget and doesn’t waste his money…just his words…in defense of the man who would be king!

  7. And now DeSantis ( actually DeSanctimonious is perfect, and I suspect someone other than Diaper Donnie came up.with it because it is too.big a word) is trying to.keep!him off the FL ballot.
    Stay tuned , kiddies; it is getting good watching the GO P.disintegrate. The, they may take America down with them.


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