I swear to God, you can’t make this sh*t up! And when you’re somebody like me, in my business, it’s like being 6 year old coming down the stairs on Christmas morning, and finding a pet pony under the Christmas tree.

When it comes to Trump, we all like to think of him as a fatuous, rich, pampered man who is now under incredible pressure as the seriousness of the criminal trials facing him finally sinks in, even if it means a defense lawyer with a jackhammer to drive it home. How much pressure can he take before he blows?

The same thing can be said about current House Squeaker Cave-In McCarthy. In reality McCarthy is a sad, pathetic little man. Vapid, with absolutely no moral compass, personal beliefs, or morals, McCarthy came into the House as a part of the Tea Party Rebellion of 2010. But once he got sworn in, it didn’t take McCarthy long to look around, realize that his Teabagger caucus was a minor bunch of hotheads, and bolt over to the more traditional conservative GOP.

So right off the bat he’s f*cked. The traditional GOP didn’t trust a rabble rouser like him in their midst. And the Tea Party didn’t trust him once he bolted to the Dark Side. And yet McCarthy cravenly pursued power, prostrating himself to anyone superior, kissing every ass, and moving up the ladder. He thought he had the Speaker spot once before, but his inability to string two coherent sentences together  sank his dreams.

Then came the Speakers vote of 2023. McCarthy had the vast majority of the GOP caucus behind him, but he lacked the 30 or so votes of the Freedom Caucus to put him over the top. The Freedom caucus didn’t have a viable alternative that could get 218 votes.

Which led to 15 rounds of abject humiliation. The Freedom caucus couldn’t make their own choice chair, but they could make McCarthy suffer. And so they did, for 15 endless, humiliating rounds.

But if you’re a spineless, sniveling, power hungry sycophant, desperate for power with no moral compass, what does that matter. And so, for 15 endless rounds, Cave-In McCarthy kissed every ass, jumped through every hoop, rolled in every pig wallow, and cut every deal he could to get the gavel. But Cave-in McCarthy wasn’t the Squeaker of the House. Matt Gaetz and Machine Gun Marjie were she puppet masters behind the curtain, pulling the strings. And they never let McCarthy forget it, going on FUX News to keep chortling about how McCarthy served as Speaker at their pleasure.

But because they’re performance artist imbeciles, and not politicians, they miscalculated. True, McCarthy couldn’t do anything without their support, but at the same time, they can’t do anything about McCarthy. They don’t have the 218 votes in their caucus to vacate the chair, and the Democrats aren’t going to help. And even if they did, they don’t have anybody who can get 218 votes to replace him with.

And McCarthy knows it. And he’s had a belly full of being humiliated by these brainless twits. And that’s why he very publicly went behind their backs to cut a deal with Biden and the Democrats to take the debt ceiling off of the table until after the 2024 election, depriving them of their prize pressure point. And hell hath no fury like an idjet scorned.

And so, immediately upon returning from their August debauchery, the Freedom Caucus made it crystal clear to McCarthy that he was on a choker chain. Either fall in line with their demands to break the debt ceiling agreement to ut programs or shutter the government, or suffer the pain of being booted off of the island.

But McCarthy has seen this episode before, and he isn’t impressed with the rerun. According to public reporting, in a closed door caucus meeting today, McCarthy told the Freedom caucus to either file the f*cking motion to Vacate the Chair, or shut up and get to work! Afterwards, McCarthy went before the media and said that starting next week, the House would not be going home until the government was funded.

You can lock a dog in a cage. You can beat him, starve him, torture him, but once you reach a certain point, but if that cage door springs open, you’re going to have the fight of your life on your hands. And today Cave-In McCarthy just sprang out of the cage and took a chomp out of Matt Gaetz’s ass. Question is, what is Gaetz going to do about it?

Nothing. There’s nothing he can do. He doesn’t have the votes on the floor to bring a motion to vacate the chair, and he doesn’t have the votes to start an impeachment inquiry on Biden, which is why he had McCarthy do it himself. The Freedom Caucus is finally being exposed for what I’ve always called it, All hat and no cattle.

The question is, how many bridges does McCarthy want to burn? How secure is his support with the remaining 190 non Freedom caucus members to actually govern. He can’t cut a deal on funding the government, Chip Roy would tank that in the rules committee. But McCarthy can cut a deal for a clean continuing resolution to get past the holidays, when even the Freedom Caucus bomb throwers will have no appetite for a government shutdown going into GOP primary season.

The next two weeks are going to be fascinating to watch. The fury of Gaetz and MTG will be prolific as they try to bring McCarthy back under control. But Frankenstein’s monsters out in the countryside now, and I pity the Freedom Caucus trying to get him back on the table again. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Perhaps House Squeaker Cave-In McCarthy is desperately attempting to recover from his previously established fawning responses. Just a thought.

  2. Even McCarthy must understand by now that the Freedom Caucasians are on a sinking ship and Captain Trump can’t save them. It’s every man for himself. And then that old adage popped into his head: “Fuck these fuckers.”



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