(Above:You don’t want none of this, bottle blond.)

Kellyanne thought she’d get in on some “democrats in disarray” action.

Congresswoman Pressley wasn’t playin’…


Neosporin might help that burn, Becky, but I’d suggest a doctor visit.

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  1. it is ridiculous that politicians resort to name calling now. grow up and do your job.
    you claim their is an immigration crisis and people are being mistreated but yet you vote against funding to fix the problem.

  2. Why would you give such slipshod advice to such an important person as Kellyanne Conway, THE Counselor to THE President…OMG! Neosporin? Get out of here! Go to a doctor? Huh? You can’t be serious! Kellyanne, forget everything you’ve heard and listen to me, girl: get on your broom and hightail it down to Augusta, Georgia and check yourself into the Doctor’s Hospital Burn Unit (DHBU)! If anyone can help you with those bad burns, darling, it’s them…they’re the best! Huh? Yes, dear, it’s a city…in Georgia…no, that’s a state and Augusta is the city…no, Kellyanne, you’re confusing it with the month of August, that’s the name of a month, honey, and, no, you don’t have to wait another 21 days before you can go…yes, you can go in July, dear. Well, yes, it IS quite a distance to Augusta — 487 miles away, in fact — that’s why I suggested you get on your broom and fly like the….well, fly like a bat out of hell or whatever you “witchy” people do…okay, if you insist, then fly like a witch. I understand, sweetie, you ARE a bat out of hell, so the expression is pointless. Anyway, get yourself down to Augusta pronto! Hurry while they can still do something…have you seen what Pressley did to your face with those searing remarks? Huh? Really? No burns on your face? You sure? It’s like that normally? Oh, honey, I don’t think the DHBU can help you in that case. Well, I for one am shocked that Pressley would school you like that…who does she think she is, scorching your ugly butt like that? Does she think she’s an elected representative? Exactly! I have just one thing to say to Ms. Representative Pressley…you don’t need to hear this kind of language, Kellyanne, you can go to your office while I give Ms. Pressley a piece of my mind…bye dear…now Ms. Pressley, the next time you decide to school THE Counselor to THE President, do me a favor…(whispering) try to include some geography lessons, maybe some math, I don’t know…oh, and definitely throw in some hair and beauty tips, okay? I’m just saying…you’re gorgeous and maybe, you could, I don’t know…you’re right, she’s WAY beyond a Maybelline course of treatment, but I don’t have the heart to recommend a good plastic surgeon, you know? Thanks, Representative Pressley…and keep up the good work!


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