The police are in a bad way if they’re losing the likes of ultra conservative right-winger Pat Robertson. This is an eye opener. Take careful note, you’re not going to see a woke Pat Robertson every day.

“You can feel the difference. There’s just no comparison. If you can’t tell the difference in the field it’s crazy.”

As one tweeter said, “When the scales are being removed from the most cataract Christian eyes….”

The way this is shaping up, it looks like Kim Potter has drawn the short straw. She will take the fall for this. Whatever happens in the Derek Chauvin trial remains to be seen, but it looks like Potter is toast.


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    • After 2016, Tulsa no longer has a “volunteer” Deputies” Program for the same reason. Cops had suspect on the ground and subdued, situation under control, when one of these 74-year-old Volunteer Deputies felt it necessary to insert himself into the situation, yelling, “Taser! Taser!” and proceeded to shoot the suspect (who later died) with his sidearm. He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years. There were later allegations that he had become a donor to the Sheriff’s Dept. and that his training records had been “dressed up” to make him appear more qualified than he was. Sheriff ended up resigning.

  1. That thought crossed my mind, too, when I saw the headline, not excusing that her mistake that led to a tragic death.

    Unknown factor: would a 9 mil gun feel different in the hand than a taser shooter? (Yes, I’ve held 9 mils, don’t own any). My hunch is that it would, but I could be wrong. Even smaller pistols have a certain amount of heft to them.

    • From what’s been indicated online, most of the smallest 9mm weapons weigh about 2 pounds without a clip (and about 2 1/2 pounds with a clip) while a taser weighs about a half a pound.


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