And now my friends, the time has come, to raise the roof and have some fun   Lionel Ritchie   All night long

I have covered a lot of deep shit today, and I truly appreciate you guys for sticking with me. But now it’s time to turn the page, and lighten things up a little bit. Hell, we’ve all earned it.

Let me ask you a question. What’s the real difference between a true tough guy, and a trash talking wuss?
Answer. A true tough guy faces down opponents, secure in his skills and abilities. A total wuss bravely faces down opponents only when he has a true tough guy standing next to him to do the dirty work.

Cast your mind back to the dark days of the Trump investigations in Mueller’s special Counsel, as well as the House committee investigations starting in 2019. What one person kept popping up like a zit on the face of a debutante on the night before the prom?

Roger Rabbit Stone. The guy is the Clown Prince of politics. Dating back to Nixon, whose portrait he has tattooed on his back, Stone revels in portraying himself as a dirty trickster. But it’s all bullshit. First of all, political dirty tricksters work in the shadows, and never receive recognition for their successes. Stone reveled in celebrating his dirty tricks. Second, Stone not only celebrated his tricks, he took credit for other trickster’s accomplishments, knowing they would not publicly dispute him. The catfish of the GOP dirty tricksters.

In the Mueller probe as well as the House investigations, God help us, Stone played a major role. And he was like toilet paper on your shoe, almost impossible to shake off! He spouted off insane, self serving bullshit like a howler monkey throwing shit balls around. Even when he was indicted, he skated right up to the edge of having federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson jail him for contempt with his outrageous public statements in defiance of court orders.

He did this for a perfectly good and predictably predictable reason. He had a bishop in his pocket. He was Trump’s man, and trusted that The Bronze Buddha wouldn’t let anything really bad happen to him. Trump, sadist that he is, made him work for it. He let him get convicted in federal court, sentenced, and within weeks of reporting to prison before commuting his sentence. And on his last day Trump pardoned Stone.

And now, once again, in yet another Trump fueled conspiracy investigation, whose name comes yet again? Roger fucking Stone! Multiple documents and witnesses have shown him to be in contact not only with the Trump administration in the days preceding the Capitol riot, but members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers too, although Stone has denied entering the Capitol. SSDD Same Shit Different Day

But have you noticed a difference this time? Where the hell is Roger Stone? He made a self nut licking statement after appearing before the House committee and invoking a blanket 5th Amendment privilege, but then he disappeared into a black hole, and hasn’t been seen since? What happened to the media whore of GOP dirty tricksters, in possibly the brightest spotlight of his life?

Gee. What a difference a President makes, huh? With Trump in office, Stone was Conan the Republican, he was invincible. But with Biden in office, his safety net is gone. If he fucks up, and the DOJ prosecutes him, even if the GOP retakes the House in 2022, they can’t stop his criminal prosecution in the DOJ. And if he’s convicted, his sentence would likely already be over by January of 2025, if Trump took office. And federal prison is not somewhere Stone imagines spending any of his declining years.

What a total, brain numbing wuss. Mr. Big bad ass when Trump is President, and he has a pardon in his pocket, and then run and hide behind Mommy’s apron when the big kids come out to play. I know it’s cheap and petty, but I’d love to see the DOJ nail him for something, anything, just so long as I get to see him model prison orange. Call it a weakness.


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  1. Roger Stone is an Idiot , he’s one of those people who wants to be so important but just can’t seem to make it . He also looks like a clown .


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