In a move that threatens an international incident with one of our closest allies and will surely have our dear departed Tom Petty breakdancing in his grave, Lara Trump appeared on Sky News Australia and allowed herself to be prompted to sing the Petty anthem “I Won’t Back Down” a capella.

You are welcome to listen to her murder the song but beware: there is not even the slight comfort of a musical track to distract from her nasal, off-key offerings and, most distressing, instead of the three notes she almost managed to stick to in her original recording, Lara, without a band to channel her destructive aural cacophony, never in this version even approaches hitting the same note twice.

If you, brave soul, do activate the audio, please make sure that any innocent pets are placed well out of ear shot and, most importantly, protect any impressionable children from her caterwauling.

Here is the discordant mess on YouTube:

And on Twitter, LGBTQ and transgender activist Charlotte Clymer and her followers offer their critiques:

Then there is justice in the world after all.


Yup, you couldn’t pay me enough to show my a$$ like that.

I hear she broke the auto-tuner.



Lara seems determined to continue the Trump brand of being beyond all self awareness, shame, embarrassment and most of all… mercy.

Why would anyone subject themselves that in front of an audience?

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  1. No way was I going to listen to it. The one with instrumental music was bad enough. Even with no hearing in my right ear and borderline in need of a hearing aid in my left ear I wasn’t going to subject my aural passages to her crap.

    Look, in addition to being a “jock” from the time I was little I also was involved in music and performing arts from an early age. I played trombone and baritone in band and also sang. Gave up band when I started high school but kept singing and got good. All State chorus in fact my senior year, and played Curly in Oklahoma! when our new music/choral teacher revived having an annual musical production. Not to mention solos at concerts. I minored in music in college and performed with the Marjorie Lawrence Opera Theater, ableit in bit roles and scene show stuff. But still, I had chops and know music.

    Lara Trump is no singer or musician. If she wasn’t married to the dumber of the Fredo twins NO ONE would listen to her.


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