Once upon a time there were two Florida pols and their names were Matt and Ron. They both had wild ideas. We mean wild. They both thought that the GOP should take back the White House. Then Ron would live in the big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue, while Casey wore white gloves and fantasized being the next Jackie O. And Matt would be his attorney general.

Or, Matt figured, he could be attorney general even if Donald Trump went back to defile live in the big white house and do to the country what Melania had done to the Rose Garden, when she was there.

Here’s Matt’s fantasy and it’s worse than you thought.

And you’ll love this next clip. If you didn’t see it the first time, this is epic. This is who Ron DeSantis really is.

And while we’re thinking about who should be attorney general, there’s this little jewel from January.

At least three people have testified under oath saying Representative Matt Gaetz asked former President Donald Trump for a preemptive presidential pardon regarding a Justice Department investigation into whether the Florida congressman had violated federal sex trafficking laws. Now Gaetz is saying all of those testimonies, provided under risk of perjury, are lies.

On Ari Melber’s MSNBC program Monday, Gaetz repeatedly denied asking for a pardon.

Hit the link to see the tweet that goes with this. It won’t embed for some reason but you need to see Gaetz sitting there and lying through his teeth.

And Gaetz isn’t worried that this could keep him from getting confirmed. He knows, as does everybody else, that if Trump gets back in office, there won’t be any government to speak of. It will be Orwell’s image of “a boot stamping on a human face forever.” That’s the government that Gaetz wants, autocracy. This democracy stuff isn’t entertaining enough for him.


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  1. It would be worse than when the Martians invaded England in H.G. Wells’ The War Of The Worlds. Forget God save the Queen,(that ship has sailed). God save our stupid arses.

  2. Well, I guarantee one thing: were this mental midget to get his little wish, children would be buggered with impunity in this country non-stop. What idiot would put this fool in such a job? Oh yeah, wait a minute….

  3. “don’t speak too soon for the wheels still spinning…and there’s no telling who it’s naming.” Bob Dylan…For the Times They Are A Changing

  4. You all apparently missed it. Ursula said what it would be. The movie 1984. Everyone needs to watch that movie at least once. After that you would know what we are really fighting about. The first time I watched it I thought yeah right, science fiction. But then I watched it again. There’s some sick sh*t in there. And the black and white is totally appropriate. And after that I see politics and politicians in a whole new light. And there’s not a doubt in my head that Trump means that in part when he refers to back then.


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