Oh, Twitter is in meltdown tonight, folks. It is batshit on steroids time over there. The clip of Donald Trump in New Hampshire confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi (hey, Nikki and Nancy both begin with an “N”, why are you guys so picky, okay?) has that platform rocking on its digital foundation tonight. Nobody can believe this one. And that wasn’t the only batshit thing Trump said.

You see how nuts it is, right? Back to Christine Pelosi.


Now we’ve got a new variable, folks. Here’s the state of American politics right now. The presumptive GOP candidate may:

  1. Have a stroke from stress, obesity and a terrible diet;
  2. Be convicted of one or more felonies and sentenced to prison;
  3. Totally lose it cognitively;
  4. Maybe the 14th amendment will keep him off the ballots;
  5. Since God watches over him like his son Eric says, maybe God will strike him with lightning;
  6. Or, maybe SCOTUS will decide he stays on the ballots AND they give him total presidential immunity AND he wins the election and we’re all living in a Russian colony soon.

The man is clearly not well. This is not normal conversation from anyone, much less somebody looking to run for our nation’s highest office. He cray. He totally cray. And our Constitution does have guardrails. The 25th Amendment could have dealt with this clown, had anyone used it. He would have been removed from office the two times he was impeached, if only the GOP Senators had enough balls. Maybe the 14th Amendment will keep him out of office.

Unbelievable. I awake each day wondering what madness I will bear witness to before I lay my head down that night. I saved this for last, because this takes the cake.

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  1. So now Nikki Haley is responsible for January 6. FrankenTrump will abandon our NATO allies to Russian aggression. And re-electing Joe Biden will somehow bring about another Great Depression. Meanwhile, over in Congress the wingnuts are touting a “border crisis” when immigration actually peaked in 2007 and has been declining since then and employers want to bring back child labor. It almost makes a politics junky like me want to don an eye mask and ear plugs and wear a sign reading “Wake me in 2025 if the End Times haven’t come by then.”

  2. “Christine Pelosi Suggests Somebody Who Loves Trump Should Stage An Intervention”

    Great idea. That’ll take Trump out.

    Now how can we find someone who knows him AND loves him?

  3. who doth love the maniac. let me count the ways.

    1. Donald Jail-bird Trumpf
    2. Kari Lake
    3. Maga Taylor Green Jeans
    4. Ms. Lindsey
    5. Steve “Goodwill” Bannon

    there’s a good start…

  4. Should #6 become even the slightest possibility I think someone will act and it will no longer be a possibility. He was never fit for high office. He becomes less so every single day and more people realize this.

    • Meanwhile, I suspect that ex-President Trump is CAREFULLY considering his Vice-presidential options, despite having stated that he has already decided.

      Wouldn’t do to have a 2IC who could step in and do the job, now would it? That would lead to too much 25th Amendment speculation.

  5. Once some of Hitler’s own high ranking military commanders realized he was leading Germany to destruction, THEY tried to assassinate him several times. Intervention for this child killer? May he trip and break his goddamn neck, thereby saving untold numbers of innocents from terrible fates. Think I’m judging? You’re goddamn right I am, but really it’s like Danzel Washington said in Man On Fire, ” I’m not judging…I’m only arranging the meeting.”

  6. Yep – if he loses there will be a great depression – he will go and sulk in Orange Marmalado and be greatly depressed.

    That’s presuming, of course, that he still owns the place after the courts have finished with him


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